Alesha Dixon
Alesha Dixon

Going out to eat is one of the most enjoyable things about going away, and I do like to try the local delicacies. I'm very open-minded with food, and I think, when you go abroad, that's the time to experiment and try something new.

Alessia Cara
Alessia Cara

I love experimenting with clothes for photo shoots, but when I'm onstage, I want to show people that there are other options. You can just be yourself and still make good music.

Alex Lifeson
Alex Lifeson

I enjoyed art in school. I've always done little drawings and stuff like that. I don't really know what I'm doing with the painting, but I experiment.

Alex Stamos
Alex Stamos

Tech companies are famous for providing freedom for engineers to customize their environments & experiment with new tools... allowing for this freedom helps creativity and productivity.

Alex Tabarrok
Alex Tabarrok

Democracy is an experimental system. I like it when states try out new ideas. I think we ought to expand, not contract, our federalist system.

Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell

In this experiment, made on the 9th of October, 1876, actual conversation, backwards and forwards, upon the same line, and by the same instruments reciprocally used, was successfully carried on for the first time upon a real line of miles in length.

Alexander Graham Bell
Alexander Graham Bell

My knowledge of electrical subjects was not acquired in a methodical manner but was picked up from such books as I could get hold of and from such experiments as I could make with my own hands.

Alexandra Stoddard
Alexandra Stoddard

Our home, just like our garden, evolves. We experiment, try out different things and new colors until we feel content. Try to keep the metaphor of home as garden in your consciousness.

Alexis Bledel
Alexis Bledel

I've been trying to find out what my wheelhouse is as an actor. 'Gilmore' was my first job, so only from there did I have a chance to really experiment and see how far I could stretch; I went maybe a little too far in certain directions.

Alexis Ren
Alexis Ren

I appreciate Love Advent because they like to experiment with creatively different concepts that are unforgettable and fun to shoot!