Adam Lashinsky
Adam Lashinsky

If you crave further confirmation that Silicon Valley is a magical place where magical thinking reigns, consider the tale of Roku, the video streaming company that filed to go public Friday, when alert people everywhere were headed out for a long weekend.

Adam Richman
Adam Richman

In L.A., I love the L'Ermitage in Beverly Hills. Also, the Beverly Wilshire, where they make great huevos rancheros. I also love Shutters on the Beach, where I walk around everywhere in a bathrobe.

Adam Riess
Adam Riess

It's everywhere, really. It's between the galaxies. It is in this room. We believe that everywhere that you have space, empty space, that you cannot avoid having some of this dark energy.

Adam West
Adam West

I've been almost everywhere. But I've never been to the steppes of Latvia. It's something I've always wanted to do.

Adolf Galland
Adolf Galland

I had to inspect all fighter units in Russia, Africa, Sicily, France, and Norway. I had to be everywhere.

Adoniram Judson
Adoniram Judson

You will readily believe me when I say that on leaving my country, I little imagined that I should ever become a Baptist. I had not indeed candidly examined the subject of baptism, but I had strong prejudices against the sect, that is everywhere spoken against.

Adora Svitak
Adora Svitak

I do wear a lot of hats, and sometimes people get confused with all that I do, but one thing that I am extraordinarily passionate about is furthering women's rights. I think it's something that's incredibly important, not just for girls everywhere but also boys to get involved in.

Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
Adrian Nicole LeBlanc

It's hard for me to understand how poverty can be invisible to so many people, since I see it everywhere. Readers sometimes think this world is so different; on the one hand, they feel connected to the people I'm writing about, and on the other hand, they're saying their lives are a world away.

Adriana Lima
Adriana Lima

If you look around Brazil you see pregnant women everywhere. Here you don't see that as much. There the only thing they do is babies, babies, babies! Especially the poor families.

Adriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo

Inspiration is everywhere - life, travel, childhood, nature - it depends on how you see it, how you can absorb the inspiration, and it depends on how your mind thinks. It could be a pattern on the floor that may be the next pattern I put on a cake, it just depends upon how you take it, when you're seeing it and what you're looking for.