Azim Premji
Azim Premji

The importance of this success of Wipro has become manifold more, because it's the success of Wipro that enables the possibility of making a difference to some of the most disadvantaged people in the world.

Ben Carson
Ben Carson

We need to find ways to elevate the expectations, particularly of those individuals who may start off on a lower socioeconomic rung, who might be seen as disadvantaged. But, you know, the reason I say be seen as disadvantaged, it's because life is so short, and there's so much that can change.

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly

Safety nets for the poor and disadvantaged are a must for any compassionate nation, but encouraging folks to go on the dole when not absolutely necessary is disgraceful.

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly

As a former high school teacher and a student in a class of 60 urchins at St. Brigid's grammar school, I know that education is all about discipline and motivation. Disadvantaged students need extra attention, a stable school environment, and enough teacher creativity to stimulate their imaginations. Those things are not expensive.

Bruce Rauner
Bruce Rauner

I've completely lost faith in the Democratic Party to truly serve the disadvantaged.

Carrie Lam
Carrie Lam

I do have a lot of care, concern, and compassion for disadvantaged people.

Chaka Fattah
Chaka Fattah

African American children can't be educationally disadvantaged for 12 years and then experience a miracle cure when it comes time for admission into college.

Charles Koch
Charles Koch

When a company is not being guided by the products they make and what the customers need, but by how they can manipulate the system - get regulations on their competitors, or mandates on using their products, or eliminating foreign competition - it just lowers the overall standard of living and hurts the disadvantaged the most.

Clint Smith
Clint Smith

While the most disadvantaged students - most often poor students of color - receive the most considerable academic benefits from attending diverse schools, research demonstrates that young people in general, regardless of their background, experience profound benefits from attending integrated schools.

Coretta Scott King
Coretta Scott King

Wherever there was injustice, war, discrimination against women, gays and the disadvantaged, I did my best to show up and exert moral persuasion.