Katha Pollitt
Katha Pollitt

Most Americans probably have no idea how hostile anti-abortion sidewalk counseling outside clinics can be. There's a reason pro-choicers volunteer to escort patients as they make their way past angry crowds to the clinic door.

Laura Wasser
Laura Wasser

Generally, there are no lightning bolts or magical signs that tell you when it is time to get divorced. When the bad starts outweighing the good on a consistent basis, you may feel that taking the next step is appropriate. It is a very personal decision and most likely should be arrived upon with the help of some kind of counseling or support.

Laura Wasser
Laura Wasser

Sometimes, just the act of venting is helpful. Counseling provides a safe haven for precisely that kind of free-ranging release: You can say things in the therapist's office, with the therapist present, that would be incendiary or hurtful in your living room.

Laura Wasser
Laura Wasser

Just as you go to the gym regularly to keep your body fit, regular couples counseling can keep your relationship fit as well.

Laura Wasser
Laura Wasser

Couples counseling gets many couples back together. But not all, and not always. For your own sake and that of your children, however, I recommend it - I almost insist on it - as the first step for anyone unhappy in a relationship.

Lee Corso
Lee Corso

I've given the idea a lot of thought and I believe it is a sound, logical course of action to hire a woman. The woman I hire won't be on the field blowing a whistle. She'll be in charge of academic counseling for the players and will do some recruiting.

Lindsay Wagner
Lindsay Wagner

I've experienced several different healing methodologies over the years - counseling, self-help seminars, and I've read a lot - but none of them will work unless you really want to heal.

Manny MUA
Manny MUA

I went to a counselor for years, and it wasn't the kind of counseling to help you - it was the 'Let's make you straight' type - but counsellors can help.

Max Lucado
Max Lucado

One of the things I discover a lot in marriage counseling is the husband or wife trying to get their spiritual thirst quenched by their partner; I think that's a real common mistake that we make.

Metta World Peace
Metta World Peace

It's hard to understand how you're feeling, or you don't even know. That's why sometimes people seek counseling.