
By polluting clear water with slime you will never find good drinking water.

Agnes Gund
Agnes Gund

In my own life, I share my home with works by artists like Elizabeth Murray, Martin Puryear, Jackie Windsor and so many others, whose creativity is clear and fresh and compelling; the works break through the usual, and they inspire creativity; they inspire responses and understanding.

Ahmed Zewail
Ahmed Zewail

In the Middle East, it is clear that peace will never be reached without solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. A two-state solution must be found and enforced.

Ahmed Zewail
Ahmed Zewail

As a boy, it was clear that my inclinations were toward the physical sciences. Mathematics, mechanics, and chemistry were among the fields that gave me a special satisfaction.

Ahmed Zewail
Ahmed Zewail

The co-existence of religious values in the lives of individuals and secular rules in the governance of the state should be clearly defined.

Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei

Since the global economic crisis began, the change in global attitudes is clear to see - and I think it is pitiful. Barack Obama came to China and he is probably the only president of the United States never to mention the words 'human rights' in public.

Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei

Police in China can do whatever they want; after 81 days in arbitrary detention you clearly realise that they don't have to obey their own laws. In a society like this there is no negotiation, no discussion, except to tell you that power can crush you any time they want - not only you, your whole family and all people like you.

Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei

I don't think it's worth discussing new directions in the context of Chinese art - there were no old directions, either. Chinese art has never had any clear orientation.

Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei

People are always wondering if I am an artist or political activist or politician. Maybe I'll just clearly tell you: Whatever I do is not art. Let's say it is just objects or materials, movies or writing, but not art, OK?

Aidan Gillen
Aidan Gillen

I didn't want to go to college or work in an office or have a nine-to-five job. I knew that quite clearly before I left school.