Betsy Hodges
Betsy Hodges

For me, governing starts with people. It doesn't start with bureaucracy. It doesn't start with policy. It starts with people and what people need to thrive.

Bill Flores
Bill Flores

If our goal is to provide health care to our veterans, why does it need to be in the bricks and mortar of bureaucracy of the VA? Why can't you give them an insurance card and let them go to a health care provider of their choice?

Bill Maher
Bill Maher

Religion, to me, is a bureaucracy between man and God that I don't need.

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly

Many Americans simply don't want the pinheads in Washington or the various state capitals to be telling us how to live. But we are absolutely going in that direction. President Obama is hell-bent on imposing a bureaucracy that levels all playing fields at great expense in coin and in freedom.

Bill Pullman
Bill Pullman

That massiveness of bureaucracy at the VA is chronic and has been chronic.

Blake Farenthold
Blake Farenthold

Nobody in the Washington regulatory bureaucracy gets fired for saying no.

Bob Simon
Bob Simon

The minute you're working with the government, you're dealing with bureaucracy, you're dealing with time lags, you're dealing with rigidity, you're dealing with a slow pace.

Brian Mulroney
Brian Mulroney

When I appointed the Minister of the Environment to major cabinet status, the Planning and Priorities committee, the signals that that sent through Ottawa were major, because that's what the bureaucracy understands.

Bruce Jackson
Bruce Jackson

The U.S. government has in recent years fought what it termed wars against AIDs, drug abuse, poverty, illiteracy and terrorism. Each of those wars has budgets, legislation, offices, officials, letterhead - everything necessary in a bureaucracy to tell you something is real.

Bruce Rauner
Bruce Rauner

The tax money belongs to the taxpayers. It doesn't belong to the bureaucracy. And government is not a welfare system.