Alex Berenson
Alex Berenson

Robert M. Morgenthau, the Manhattan district attorney, has seen a few financial schemes in his time. As the lead local prosecutor in the world's financial capital, he has battled frauds like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which stole billions of dollars from investors worldwide.

Alexander Acosta
Alexander Acosta

Political views in the hiring of career attorneys and staff should not be used. If I am asked to do that, I will not allow it.

Alexander Henry
Alexander Henry

I retire to make way for an abler man. In my four years as attorney general I have aged about ten years, but when I have get back to the practice of law, I hope to show those lawyers that I still have some vitality left.

Amber Valletta
Amber Valletta

At every juncture as Oklahoma's attorney general, Scott Pruitt has consistently chosen to undermine and attack environmental safeguards - not to defend them.

Amy Klobuchar
Amy Klobuchar

I will not vote in favor of Senator Sessions' nomination for attorney general.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

After getting a law degree, I spent five unhappy months as a corporate attorney.

Andy Beshear
Andy Beshear

As attorney general, I'm helping lead a national effort to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Chesa Boudin
Chesa Boudin

In San Francisco, I am proud to say that one of my first mandates as district attorney was that my staff would never ask the court to impose money bail. If we believe someone is too dangerous to be released, then it doesn't matter how wealthy they are - we should ask the court to detain them.

Chris Christie
Chris Christie

Given my last position, that I was the first U.S attorney post 9/11 in New Jersey, I understand acutely the pain and sorrow and upset of the family members who lost loved ones that day at the hands of radical Muslim extremists. And their sensitivities and concerns have to be taken into account.

Chris Christie
Chris Christie

I was appointed United States attorney on September 10, 2001. And I spent the next seven years of my career fighting terrorism and putting terrorists in jail.