Conrad Hall
Conrad Hall

In aptitude tests, I scored highest in music.

Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

If I was left to my own devices, you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans - but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together, I just don't have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that.

Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe

The thought of dancing scared me. A lot. Because I have absolutely no aptitude for it.

Daniela Ruah
Daniela Ruah

Early on, my parents noticed an aptitude for being a show-off. I loved attention. I was always saying, 'Watch me do this, watch me do that,' which I now realize with my own kids is a phase that most kids go through.

David Oyelowo
David Oyelowo

I wasn't one of those kids who grew up watching movies thinking, 'That's what I want to do when I grow up.' I didn't really particularly know I had an aptitude for it.

Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley

The winner's edge is not in a gifted birth, a high IQ, or in talent. The winner's edge is all in the attitude, not aptitude. Attitude is the criterion for success.

Derren Brown
Derren Brown

I had a natural aptitude for wanting to be the centre of attention and a definite skill for annoying people.

Drew Gilpin Faust
Drew Gilpin Faust

I think that issues of gender have been discussed widely at Harvard. But I think I was chosen clearly on the merits, and I wish to operate as president on the merits. I think, on one level, we might say that I can affirm that women have the aptitude to do science or to do anything, including being president of Harvard.

Eddie Guerrero
Eddie Guerrero

I've always had an aptitude for wrestling. I can't explain it - it's like a gift. To this day, I don't always know how or why I do certain things.

Eva Chen
Eva Chen

For a lot of children of immigrants, what happens is your parents want you to do something very linear that they can understand. I had an aptitude in sciences and never really questioned it.