Andrew Card
Andrew Card

The Oval Office symbolizes... the Constitution, the hopes and dreams, and I'm going to say democracy. And when you have a dress code in the Supreme Court and a dress code on the floor of the Senate, floor of the House, I think it's appropriate to have an expectation that there will be a dress code that respects the office of the President.

Andrew Lansley
Andrew Lansley

I think we have to understand that sugar is an essential component of food; it's just that sugar in excess is an inappropriate and unhelpful diet.

Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng

A lot of the game of AI today is finding the appropriate business context to fit it in. I love technology. It opens up lots of opportunities. But in the end, technology needs to be contextualized and fit into a business use case.

Andrew Scheer
Andrew Scheer

I believe that the federal government should respect the freedoms that Canadians enjoy to have different beliefs and that by imposing personal values of Justin Trudeau on a wide variety of groups is not an appropriate way to go.

Andrew Weil
Andrew Weil

If you have difficulty sleeping or are not getting enough sleep or sleep of good quality, you need to learn the basics of sleep hygiene, make appropriate changes, and possibly consult a sleep expert.

Andris Nelsons
Andris Nelsons

All of us in the field must remain constantly vigilant and fight against all types of inappropriate and hurtful behavior and continue the essential work of creating a fair and safe work environment for all classical musicians.

Andy Dick
Andy Dick

I really have to edit myself - I need someone with a censor button around me all the time. I'm just a little unaware of what's deemed appropriate.

Charlotte Kasl
Charlotte Kasl

Caring for children is a dance between setting appropriate limits as caretakers and avoiding unnecessary power struggles that result in unhappiness.

Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler

I think nudity is funny, especially when it's inappropriate.

Cherie Blair
Cherie Blair

Understanding how your business affects human rights and using that knowledge to shape appropriate policies and practices is crucial to achieving what should be the goal of all corporations - sustainable growth.