Akio Morita
Akio Morita

Don't be afraid to make a mistake. But make sure you don't make the same mistake twice.

Al Franken
Al Franken

Sometimes if I tell people, 'I'm afraid that I'm really a fraud,' or 'I have a lot of self-doubt,' they go, 'Oh, no, you're kidding.' I go, 'No, I'm really honest.'

Alan Alda
Alan Alda

I'm greedy for that satisfaction of doing something hard and knowing that, even though I was afraid I couldn't do it, that somehow I can deliver.

Alan Ball
Alan Ball

I don't believe in any particular definition of the afterlife, but I do believe we're spiritual creatures and more than our biology and that energy cannot be destroyed, but can change. I don't know what the afterlife is going to be, but I'm not afraid of it.

Alan Cumming
Alan Cumming

I was so scared of going back to the theatre after 'Hamlet.' I didn't know if I'd do a play again because I was afraid of the power of it.

Alan Parker
Alan Parker

I'm always afraid someone's going to tap me on the shoulder one day and say, 'Back to North London.'

Alan Schaaf
Alan Schaaf

Geek culture is all about being super passionate about your interests and not afraid to express them, even if your interests are unpopular.

Alan Sugar
Alan Sugar

I don't make enemies, it's just I'm not afraid to speak my mind, which can sometimes mean people don't like what I am saying.

Alan Tudyk
Alan Tudyk

I'm not a big horror movie fan. I am afraid of them; they scare me.

Alanis Morissette
Alanis Morissette

There were a lot of people who were a little afraid of the rage or blaming stance I was taking, and find what I am doing now more refreshing.