William E. Simon
William E. Simon

I found that I not only tolerated taking risks, I loved it.

William E. Simon
William E. Simon

I sometimes think that the only person fit to inherit wealth is the person who doesn't need an inheritance - the person who would create his own fortune no matter what his start in life - and have come to view inherited wealth as an affliction.

William E. Simon
William E. Simon

Pop taught me respect for my fellow man and reverence for my God. He taught me the importance of family and religion.

William E. Simon
William E. Simon

There is only one social system that reflects the sovereignty of the individual: the free-market, or capitalist, system.

William E. Simon
William E. Simon

At Union Securities, I threw myself into my work with the discipline and commitment that I had always demonstrated in employment and only rarely displayed in school. Years later, I would come to appreciate, abstractly, the importance of productive activity to the mind and soul of both an individual and a nation.