Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: You're a shrink! You gotta be better than that!
Dr. Curtis McCabe: Let's not stereotype each other. Not all rich kids are soulless, and not all psychologists care about dreams.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Edmund: It's been a brilliant journey of self-awakening. And now you've simply got to ask yourself this: What is happiness to you, David?

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: I wanna wake up! Tech support! It's a nightmare! Tech support! Tech support!

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Dr. Curtis McCabe: You do understand that our time is limited, don't you?
David: If I talk... you'll just think I'm crazy.
Dr. Curtis McCabe: With all the possible respect I can offer a man wearing a latex mask and spouting conspiracy theories, David, believe me, you've crossed that bridge.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: I like your life.
Sofía: Well, it's mine and you can't have it!

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Thomas Tipp: But I say this with complete love. Claim your life. Learn to be an asshole. Don't...
David: Two's enough.
Thomas Tipp: Forgive me. But I still believe in this family, David, even if it's only you.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Dr. Curtis McCabe: I'm real. I'm... I'm... mortality as home entertainment? THIS CANNOT BE THE FUTURE. Can it? CAN IT?

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: Somebody died. It was me.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

[first lines]
Sofía: [in Spanish] Open your eyes.
Sofía: [in English] Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Open you...
[David wakes up and pushes the snooze button on his alarm]

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

[last lines]
The Future: [voice] Relax, David. Open your eyes.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Sofía: What about you? What's your nickname?
David: Citizen Dildo.
Sofía: Hmm. You are not staying over.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: Where's Sofia? WHERE IS SHE?
Julie: I AM SOFIA.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Edmund: Forgive me, I'm blowing your mind.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Sofía: I have to get some sleep. Truthfully, I also work as a dental assistant.
David: Boy, am I going to the wrong dentist!

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Sofía: [Sarcastically, as she looks at a glass case in David's apartment] So, this is what's become of rock-and-roll - a smashed guitar behind a glass case displayed on some rich guy's wall!

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: [to Dr. McCabe] What's the answer to 99 out of 100 questions?... Money!

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Brian: I'm going to say this once, because this is the last time we're ever going to talk. I was your only friend
David: You have revealed yourself to me.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Guy in Bathroom: This is a revolution of the mind.

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

Edmund: Consequences, David. It's the little things.
David: The little things... there's nothing bigger, is there?

Vanilla Sky
Vanilla Sky

David: [has taken the mask off and is ordering drinks from a large barman at the club] Give me a Budweiser and a shot of tequila
Barman: [avoiding eye contact with David] What kind of tequila?
David: [trying to make eye contact] What did you say to me?
Barman: [Still avoiding looking at David] I said, what

kind of tequila?
David: Why don't you ask me to my face, bitch?
Barman: [finally makes eye contact]
David: Patron, if you have it
David: [later] Another shot, another Bud
Barman: [pouring shot] This one's on the house
David: Why?

Barman: It just is
[locks eyes with Daivd]
Barman: bitch.