Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

There's different kinds of love, and I'd never experienced that kind of totally platonic love. All the love I've experienced has always been a kind of deal, and now, as I get older, I realise that there's this other love out there.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

In New York, working at the foundry, I was making these little figures. I desperately would like to make big figures, but I just can't do it; my hands don't do it. We were talking about making bronze plinths, and then we made one, a square one. I wrote on it, then I put a little figure on top, and it just looked really good. It worked.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

My mum has never wanted me to have children. She thinks I would be destroying my life, even now.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I'm out of here, I'm better than all of you.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I'd make a good friend, not mother. I'm too selfish. I think a lot of mothers are selfish and they end up having children, but I don't want to put some small tiny person through that.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

It pleases me that people can be interactive.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

People don't remember. Revenge is sweet.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I'd like to think I inspire young people to be creative.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I've been making bronze sculptures for a long time. My sculptures are wholly unsuccessful and uncommercial. No one is even the remotest bit interested in them. So it's almost like my hobby.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I am fiercely independent and I probably wouldn't be if it wasn't for the way in which I was brought up.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I never grew up.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

It wasn't so much destroying my dancing, it was destroying me.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

It's happened time and time again, but the committee has always decided against it-the work was too conservative or didn't fit within the budget; there are millions of different reasons.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

It's my memory, and what happened between that moment 10 or 15 years ago and now, there's a lot of gray area.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

Maybe I don't believe things myself, as well. Truth is such a transient thing.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

There's so much stuff said about me that's not true, so now if something is hurtful and wrong, I send an e-mail or letter immediately, saying, This is not true.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

They look at someone like me, and I just really get up their nose. I really wind them up.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

With any story I write, I could actually write it from three or four different perspectives, which would end with a completely different moral at the end.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

I've got to start using my brain more - I've got to be more ethereal and more enlightened.

Tracey Emin
Tracey Emin

Women, at 50, are on a plateau with their careers, but later they ascend.