Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I am obviously a very creative person.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I know what I am doing with my handbag design and clothing design.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I like to feel confident, and I never wear anything that doesn't feel like me.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

But now, with the Internet, your picture is up and they're seeing you in Japan and Germany. That's what happened, and that's why I became more visible. Nothing I did was calculated.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I wasn't going to a charity event in order to get a picture, in order to get into a magazine.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I know when I go out and wear a pretty dress and get photographed, I'm going to be in the press, which will help with my business.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I did a reality show. There's nothing scandalous about that. I did it to further my business and career. I make my own money.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Being blond just makes me feel happier, like when the sun's hitting you. The blond pops. It's cheerful.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I am not the beachy girl. I don't wear flip-flops and beachy dresses. I'm not as poufy and girlie, but I am the girl who dresses up.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I never saw myself as this big socialite, but from an outsider point of view, there was a lot going on.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Not only Southern children - but adults as well - use the preface ma'am or sir when speaking to someone older or in authority.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Southerners pride themselves on being polite. This is why we always use euphemisms to express ourselves.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Every Thanksgiving, we visited our New York cousins and went shopping at Bergdorf's and Saks for long dresses to wear to the Homestead for New Year's Eve.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I was never made to feel that fashion was frivolous and any old dress would do. Fashion was serious stuff in my house and in my life. In fact, most memories I have growing up involve beautiful dresses.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I think my mother has always understood what a romantic idealist I am, so she's never had trouble supporting what might be aberrant behavior to others.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Of particular note, Palm Beach is one of the safest places in the world to live or visit. Proof of this is that over thirty billionaires live in the 10.4 square mile area.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

I was not trying to be snarky or snobby by saying that West Palm Beach is no Palm Beach.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Having spent many summers in Southampton as a New Yorker, and as someone whose family has a place in Newport, I have a strong affinity for each place.

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

You don't talk about celebrities in the Hamptons, duh!

Tinsley Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer

Watching my mother welcome guests in Virginia, where I was raised, taught me that if someone is invited to your home, it is your duty to make them feel welcome and comfortable at all times.