The Mist
The Mist

Dan Miller: What are you saying? What are you proposing?
Mrs. Carmody: If we all prepare... to meet our maker...
Jim Grondin: [interrupting her] Oh, prepare to meet shit! Lady, your tongue must be hung in the middle so that it can waggle at both ends.
Mrs. Carmody: The end of times has come. Not in flames, but

in mist.
Jim Grondin: Come here. How about if your ass prepares to meet my size ten work boot! How about that?

The Mist
The Mist

[You scare people badly enough, you can get 'em to do anything They'll turn to whoever promises a solution]

The Mist
The Mist

Mrs. Carmody: [to Amanda] If you hit me again, if you dare, you'll be on your knees to me before this is through.

The Mist
The Mist

Bud Brown: It appears we may have a problem of some magnitude.

The Mist
The Mist

David Drayton: [seeing a bunch of soldiers speeding past them] Guys from the base.
Brent Norton: From up the mountain?
David Drayton: Uh-huh.
Brent Norton: The arrowhead project? Well, you're a local - any idea what they do up there?
David Drayton: Missile defense research, you know,

I'm sure you've heard the stories.
Brent Norton: I'm sure the woman at the laundry mat says that they have a crashed flying saucer up there with frozen alien bodies.
David Drayton: Right, Ms. Edna. Yeah. Ms. Tabloid! "I had Bigfoot's baby". "Satan's face appears in oil well fire". You know, real reliable stuff.

The Mist
The Mist

Brent Norton: [trying to start up chainsaw] Motherfucker! Aw, shit! Motherfucker! Cocksucker!

The Mist
The Mist

Ollie: We have to tell them. The people in the market. We have to stop them from going outside.
David Drayton: They won't believe us.
Ollie: They have to.
David Drayton: I'm not sure I believe it, and I was here. What we saw was impossible. You know that, don't you? What do we say? How do we... convince them?

Ollie, what the hell were those tentacles even attached to?

The Mist
The Mist

Billy Drayton: [running towards his parents] Mom! Dad! You gotta come see!
Stephanie Drayton: Hey Billy, take it easy, alright? I really don't want you running all over the place.
Billy Drayton: You gotta come look at... the boathouse smashed. Holy crap!
Stephanie Drayton: Billy...

Drayton: Sorry mom, but you just gotta... come on, come on... whoa!
Stephanie Drayton: Whoa.
David Drayton: Whoa.

The Mist
The Mist

Myron: [looking into the mist] So... any boogeymen?

The Mist
The Mist

David Drayton: [screaming into the mist] Come on!

The Mist
The Mist

Amanda Dunfrey: You don't have much faith in humanity, do you?
Dan Miller: Ahhh! None whatsoever.

The Mist
The Mist

Irene: We had damage at the school, wouldn't you know. That's what we get for not fixing that roof when we should've. But with funds being cut every year... You'd think educating children would be more of a priority in this country. But you'd be wrong. Government's got better things to spend our money on. Like corporate handouts, and building bonds.

The Mist
The Mist

David Drayton: I'll call the studio when the phones get back up, see if they can extend my deadline.
Stephanie Drayton: What choice do they have?
David Drayton: You kiddin'? They could whip up some bad Photoshop poster in an afternoon. They do it all the time, two big heads.

The Mist
The Mist

Ollie: Morning, Mrs. Carmody.
Mrs. Carmody: [referring to the crowd] With lines like these, I don't know how good it is. But I guess we'll have to make do.

The Mist
The Mist

David Drayton: What do you know about this mist?
Wayne Jessup: I don't know, man, I've got nothing to do with it.
David Drayton: That's not what the MP said in the pharmacy before the spiders came out of his skin.

The Mist
The Mist

Stephanie Drayton: How did you two always manage to make me laugh?
David Drayton: You have incredibly low standards.
Stephanie Drayton: Mhm.

The Mist
The Mist

Brent Norton: Now listen people. We are experiencing some kind of disaster. I don't know whether it's man-made or natural, but I do know that it's definitely not supernatural. Or biblical. And no offense Mrs. Carmody, but the only way we're going to help ourselves is to seek rescue. We're going out.
David Drayton: Brent, look...

Norton: I'm not discussing this any further.
David Drayton: I know. I just want to ask a favor.
[grabs some rope]
David Drayton: Tie this around your waist.
Brent Norton: What for?
David Drayton: It'll let us know you at least got three hundred feet.

The Mist
The Mist

Dan Miller: Don't go out there! There's something in the mist!

The Mist
The Mist

[after Norm is dragged off into the mist]
Jim Grondin: [to David] How was I supposed to know what you meant? You should've said what you meant better!

The Mist
The Mist

Jim Grondin: We got you now, you sorry son of a bitch!