
Lex Luthor: Miss Teschmacher, when I was six years old my father said to me...
Miss Teschmacher: "Get out!"
Lex Luthor: [laughing] Before that. He said, "Son, stocks may rise and fall, utilities and transportation systems may collapse. People are no damn good, but they will always need land and they will pay through the nose to get

it! Remember," my father said...
Otis: "... land."
Lex Luthor: Right. It's a pity he couldn't see from such humble beginnings how I've created this empire.
Miss Teschmacher: An empire? This?
Lex Luthor: Miss Teschmacher, how many girls do you know who have a Park Avenue address like this one?

Miss Teschmacher: [sarcastically] A Park Avenue address? Two hundred feet below?
Lex Luthor: Do you realize what people are shelling out up there, for a few miserable rooms off a common elevator?
Lex LuthorOtis: What more could anyone ask?


Lex Luthor: [Superman thinks he has found the detonator with which to stop Luthor's missiles] Don't touch that!
[Superman opens the lead box, but instead of a detonator...]
Lex Luthor: Ha ha, I told you. It's kryptonite, Superman. A little piece of the rock you were born on. I've spared no expense to make you feel right at home.


Perry White: Now look. The Post: "It Flies." The News: "Look, Ma, No Wires." The Times: "Blue Bomb Buzzes Metropolis." The Planet. "Caped Wonder Stuns City." We're sitting on top of the story of the century here! I want the name of this flying whatchamacallit to go with the Daily Planet like bacon and eggs, franks and beans, death and taxes, politics and corruption.

Clark Kent: I don't think he would lend himself to any cheap promotion schemes though Mr. White.
Perry White: Exactly how you would you know that, Kent?
Clark Kent: Uhm... Just a first impression?
Perry White: Well, anyway, who's talking cheap? I'll make him a partner, if that's what it takes!


[Lex stands on his library sliding ladder searching for a book]
Lex Luthor: n... n... n...
Otis: 'M'! You want 'M' Mr. Luthor?
[Otis moves the sliding ladder Lex is standing on, leaving Lex hanging from a shelf]
Otis: So, there you go, 'M'.
Lex Luthor: 'M' as in moron Otis? No, no, no, it's 'N'!

'N' as in neanderthal, nincompoop, nitwit and 'L' as in ladder!


Young Lois Lane: Golly! I saw a boy out there run as fast as the train! Faster, even!
Ella Lane: [laughing] Oh, Lois Lane. You have a writer's gift for invention; I'll say that for you.
Young Lois Lane: But... but...
General Sam Lane: Uh, Lois, please read your book.
Young Lois Lane: [going back to her book, sulky] No one ever believes



Lex Luthor: You were great in your day, Superman. But it just stands to reason, when it came time to cash in your chips, this old... diseased... maniac would be your banker.


Miss Teschmacher: I wonder what they're wearing in Addis Ababa?


Desk Sergeant: [on seeing a boat in the middle of the street and Superman flying off] Mooney, first bottle's on me, let me get my hat.


Superman: I never lie.


Perry White: Olsen! Why am I paying you forty dollars a week when I should have you arrested for loitering? Go get Mr... er...
Clark Kent: Kent.
Perry White: ...Kent here a towel!
Jimmy Olsen: Right, Chief.
Perry White: And make mine black and no sugar!

Olsen: Right, Chief.
Perry White: And don't call me 'sugar'!


[Otis tells Lex how he's inputted the coordinates on the missile]
Lex Luthor: Otis! The third one was to be 11, and the fourth one, seven!
Otis: Oh. Oh, gee. Aw, gee. Gee, Mr. Luthor. Oh, I see. I guess my arm wasn't long enough, see?
Lex Luthor: Otis, would you like to see a long arm? Otis, would you like to see a very, very

long arm?
Otis: Oh, no, Mr. Luthor.


[repeated line]
Lex Luthor: [shouting] Miss Teschmacher!


[last lines]
Warden: This country is safe again, Superman, thanks to you.
Superman: No, sir. Don't thank me, Warden. We're all part of the same team. Good night.


Lex Luthor: There's a strong streak of good in you, Superman. But then nobody's perfect... almost nobody.


[a cat burglar is climbing up the side of a building. He looks up and sees Superman standing there]
Superman: Hi there. Something wrong with the elevator?


Lex Luthor: Otis, is that the newspaper I asked you to get me?
Otis: Yeah.
Lex Luthor: Why am I not reading it?
Otis: [thinks for a second] 'Cause I haven't given it to you yet?
Lex Luthor: [smiles] Right...
[snatches the newspaper from Otis' hand]


[Superman lands holding a cat burglar]
Superman: Officer! Uhm, good evening, Officer...
[glancing at the officer's nametag]
Superman: Mooney. Well, they say confession's good for the soul.
[takes a handful of stolen jewelry out of the burglar's bag]
Superman: I'd listen to this man. He's all yours.


Jor-El: Krypton!


Miss Teschmacher: It's too good to be true! He's 6-4, has black hair, blue eyes, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and tells the truth!


Jimmy Olsen: What are you writing, Miss Lane?
Lois Lane: An ode to spring. How do you spell massacre?