Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Some people are born for Halloween, and some are just counting the days until Christmas.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Vampires have become tragic or romantic figures. Vampire are largely seduction tales. They're no longer the scary creature in the dark.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

For me, the facts in anything are always secondary. You don't lie convincingly with the truth. You lie convincingly with being a good liar.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Most zombie stories, the problems they solve are not the actual zombies. The problems they solve are the human interactions.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

You can't negotiate with a zombie. They have only one impulse - that's to eat us or our brains.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

There's no purer feeling in the world than being scared.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

You have to want the haunted house to scare you. It completely steals your money to go through with one of those people who shrug it all off, who touch the monsters' faces to show they're fake.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

If the main character's not in jeopardy - physical, psychological, emotional, whatever - then you don't have any tension, and you don't have a story.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

My uncle Randall always had a book in his hand. He read in the car, he read at restaurants, he read when you were talking to him. He read lots of different things, but mostly it was Louis L'Amour's westerns and contemporary thrillers.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Joe Lansdale is one of the few writers able to write in whatever genre or mode he wants on any particular day. How? He doesn't ask permission. He just steps in, out-writes everybody in the room.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Every time I lock my people in a spacecraft or land them on an asteroid, the blood wells up again, and I'm writing horror. Horror's my default setting. It's also where I prefer to write.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

When Ellen Datlow was running the fiction at 'Omni' in the late '80s and into the '90s, I had a subscription. It was one of two subscriptions I'd saved for, the other being 'Spider-Man.' And they each opened my mind and my heart in wonderful ways.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

I feel very at home in L.A., I think, because it's dry, and there's sun, like the West Texas I grew up in.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

I figure anytime you put an adjective before 'writer,' it's a way of dismissing the writer.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

I think America would do anything through a drive-through.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Stories need stupid decisions that, at the time, seem absolutely rational and necessary. Without stupid decisions, the world isn't thrown out of balance, and so there's no need for a 'rest of the story' to balance it back.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

If you keep having to dip into the story's past to explain the present, then there's a good chance your real story's in the past, and you're just using the present as a vehicle to deliver us there.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Making people laugh is so much more difficult than making them sad. Too much fiction defaults to the somber, the tragic. This is because sad endings are easy in comparison - happy endings aren't at all simple to earn, especially when writing to an audience jaded by them.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

People shouldn't go broke making a haunted house. Or, we should pay for our enjoyment, definitely.

Stephen Graham Jones
Stephen Graham Jones

Jeans and sneakers are definitely best for the haunted house. They usually won't let you in with a mask, even. It makes sense. They need to be able to tell who the rubes are. And, sneakers are good because the ground's uneven, and you're running and falling and stepping on the slower of your friends.