Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

Happiness is no respecter of persons.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

If you go looking for loonies and religious fanatics and dropouts and freaks, I dare say you'll find it.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

Moving from chair to chair, from coffee machine to coffee machine is the limit of my action in most films. But I enjoy being cast in them because I love watching them.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

You don't sit down and write a wish list about the person you are going to fall violently in love with. It just doesn't work like that.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

You can act in five, six, or seven films in the time it takes to direct one film.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

My parents were marvelously educated people.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

Oh, it takes a lot for me to walk out of a film.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

They are just 100 per cent bear, whereas human beings feel we're not 100 per cent human, that we're always letting ourselves down. We're constantly striving towards something, to some fulfilment.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I have pushed the boat out as far as I should in terms of taking on too many things. I'm getting older and I just could not take it any more. I am now monitoring myself very closely and I'm just trying not to get into that sort of state again.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I've never had any illusions about being a lead actor in films, because lead actors have to be of a certain kind. Apart from the beauty of looks and figure, which I cannot claim to have, there's just a particular kind of ordinary-Joe quality that a film star needs to have.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I feel I would love to close down for a number of years in some way and just be in the country making pork pies and chutneys and never have to poke my head out of the parapet.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

But happiness is no respecter of persons.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I don't watch television, I think it destroys the art of talking about oneself.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

As someone who worked hard for a Labour victory in the 90s, do I regret it? Not really. It was bound to happen. And it'll happen with the next government, and the one after it. Because all governments serve us. They serve the filth.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I think we have all experienced passion that is not in any sense reasonable.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I'd probably want to teach at university, because children would drive me insane. I suspect it would be English literature, Shakespeare and so forth. I've always been deeply, deeply in love with that kind of thing.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

No, I love the idea that someone changes. As an actor it's always the thing that you look for. He is someone who starts off bright, cheerful and confident and then has everything taken away from him. It's a wonderful journey to take.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

My life, at least, is divided between writing and performing and mixtures of the two.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

I'm a bit of a coward, and lazy, oddly enough.

Stephen Fry
Stephen Fry

There is no particular Socratic or Dimechian or Kantian way to live your life. They don't offer ethical codes and standards by which to live your life.