Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

Shostakovich's final pieces, his quartets, are scratching the surface of another world.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

'Endgame' resists narrative and even thematic explanation. How you play it has to reflect this. If you decide something too much in advance, you forget the element that gives the play life - the audience.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

As an actor, it's much easier for me to get work in the movies because nobody knows who I am except for the work that I've done in another movie. I really enjoy that.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

I sometimes feel I would like to do crazy things with 'Endgame,' where someone says something, but the words, instead of being spoken, are written words projected out of their mouth.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

In 1600, Shakespeare's London was a city of 200,000 people. At the same time, there were already over a million in Tokyo.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

I don't tend to get cast in the theatre much. People assume I come with all this baggage. But they do cast me in films. In films, I'm a nobody.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

There's something hopeful about 'Endgame.' Beckett strips everything away and asks what remains. There's this surgical dissection of the soul, but at the bottom, you find shafts of light.

Simon McBurney
Simon McBurney

I've had various people close to me die, and I don't necessarily find the idea of death purely depressing.