Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Wealth is being generated off the back of oppression and abuse.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

For the unions, it is simple. There are no jobs on a dead planet.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

The environment, stabilizing the climate, needs urgent attention from all of us.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

When women are expected to bear the burden of unpaid work, everyone loses.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

A new model of business and economic development must ensure everybody's sons and daughters are treated as we would expect for our own.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Illicit trade corrupts corporations and governments alike, allows dictators to survive, and obscures oppression, including modern day slavery.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Public opinion must be heard.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Securing a sustainable future will take all of us working together.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Where laws recognize rights to collective bargaining, the truth is that employee rights to negotiate with employers are denied in many countries.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

My job is to represent working people.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Many governments and corporations take no moral responsibility for the enslavement of migrant workers and freely do business with states built on the back of slave labour. Illicit financial flows and tax evasion are ignored in the interests of some nations and their corporations, stripping the tax base that is so vital for essential services.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

If people do not have jobs, they do not have a secure income, and they do not have a sense of security.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

If there are not jobs or adequate forms of social protection, there is not enough income to create the consumption base that drives demand and sustainable economic growth.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

What Qatar chose is a system where a worker is owned by his employer. When your employer forces you to live in squalor, makes you work longest hours in extreme heat, doesn't allow you to change jobs, doesn't pay your wages on time, abuses you physically and psychologically, you have no way out, you can't leave. You are trapped.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

Market-led globalization is leading to a race to the bottom, where efficiency and profit matter more than a fair share for working people.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

You cannot fuel demand, or consumption-led demand, on credit forever.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

There is a great deal of sympathy amongst workers for the Occupy Wall Street movement. We understand their frustration.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

In terms of emerging economies, we absolutely believe that the prescription is social protection and a minimum wage on which people can live.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

You can't deny that if you have, you know, people who think it's okay to talk about women, to disregard the rights of workers, we're in trouble as an inclusive world.

Sharan Burrow
Sharan Burrow

#MeToo shows this bias is systemic, that people get away with violence against women, get away with discrimination - whether in work or society in general - because, for too long, silence has been the answer.