Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

'Mr. Robot' is more directly about technology, and 'Homecoming' deals more with the pharmaceutical industry, but I think they're all part and parcel of this growing sense that things are happening behind the scenes at our expense, and we're not aware of it.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I'm not here to say that I want to change the TV industry.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I don't cover my scenes. We approach it visually. Sometimes we go out of our way to do awkward blocking so that we can tell whatever the emotional heartbeat is of that scene in the most interesting way possible.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I rip off of every movie and TV show I've ever seen in my life.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I'm a film nerd.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

That's what I did growing up. Other than being on the computer, I was watching TV and movies. I make no apologies.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

My parents were very strict Muslims, and they weren't shy about showing it.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I remember growing up in suburban New Jersey, and all the computer stores were like, 'Motherboard Mayhem' and all these cheesy names.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

People thought I looked weird, that I talked weird.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I don't want to watch a show or a movie about the guy who doesn't have any problems, who is sort of a goodie two shoes and just does everything morally right, because that's not the person I relate to. That's not who I am. That's not what anyone is.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I'm controlling over anything I create. I'm very precious about it.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

You have to have that core creative team around you who's going to support your vision, and challenge and evolve it.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I love reading about other people's world view.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I had a funny last name, and I didn't look like everybody else, and I got faced with a lot of racism.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

The one thing that I know from the personal experiences that I've had with hackers and from people in tech who are brilliant at this thing, is there's a lot of angst.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I've seen shows that start to go down the path of fan service, and it really diminishes the quality.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

What resonates with me whenever I watch a great movie or TV show is the balance of inevitability and unpredictability. And it's a very delicate balance.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I think people are more than their heritage or their skin colour or their name or how they grew up.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

Sound design is always critical, especially when you're doing a thriller with a lot of suspense and tension.

Sam Esmail
Sam Esmail

I'm a huge fan of 'The Watch,' and I've also been on a few times. It's Andy Greenwald and Chris Ryan's show on The Ringer. It's just a great podcast about television.