Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

When I first got started I had no idea my career would last as long as it did.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

Back when I was competing I had a lot of fans wanting my autograph, wanting to take my picture, but nothing like what my son is dealing with.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

I accomplished a lot, but my son has taken it to another level.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

They call Florida the wrestling graveyard because it's where we all end up. The weather is easier on us here.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

A good promoter is one that treats you with respect and as a human being.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

I worked for promoters that I couldn't stand and they couldn't stand me. But they knew if they put my name out there, I would sell out for them.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

Promoters know the business.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

I was partners with Mil Mascaras and we were champions for about a year. We got over good because we had two different styles. The people respected his style when he was in the ring and when I came in they respected mine.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

I worked with guys in Japan that were champions and they came over here for six months or a year and they treated them like garbage.

Rocky Johnson
Rocky Johnson

When I got to Toronto, I got a job at the car wash for 90 cents an hour but you got paid everyday so I always had a few dollars.