Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I'm happy, I would say that I'm one of the happiest people I know but I've certainly had periods of profound sadness, depression and heartache and those are the kind of things that are interesting to me to write about.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

It never ceases to amaze me that I get to do this for a living.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I don't think I've ever laid out a batch of songs that pick myself apart the way that these do.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

One time Robert Plant was set to check into the same room after I checked out, so I removed every light bulb and ordered up a bunch of stinky cheese and put it under the mattress.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I've always loved groups like U2 and Coldplay.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I fell off stage and bruised some ribs. The worst part was that the audience didn't realize I was gone.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

When things are too easy I lose interest in them so I find ways to complicate them to get myself interested.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

In the past, there has always been so much pressure about carrying a show and promoting a record.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I didn't want my last chapter to be the guy who sits at the piano and sings love songs.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I'm now so keenly aware that I have everything to prove and nothing to lose.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I think I do better when things are a little tougher.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I've never, ever in my life enjoyed playing live the way I am now.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

It's funny; Luther and I have written many songs together, but we've never written songs in the same room.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

My joke, which isn't really a joke, is that there will be one of two tours: the tour for the album that does well, or the tour for the album that stiffs.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

But I'm just having fun playing and giving Botox injections to the older songs.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

Doing my own album provided me the opportunity to say whatever I wanted.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

But more importantly, I think he remembered how very close I was with my own dad, who had died in 1997.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

As a songwriter, there's nothing better than winning Song Of The Year. But I couldn't really celebrate, because it wasn't right. Luther wasn't standing next to me, to receive the award.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I think really what I'm saying is that I thrive on adversity.

Richard Marx
Richard Marx

I've never written a song that I thought was a hit.