Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: If you have to ask, you're not ready to know yet.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: Do you see the tourists with their video cameras, hoping the cops will shoot you so they can sell the tape to Goriest Police Shoot-outs?

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

[repeated order]
The Caller: [shouts] Say it!

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: Wait till it goes national. ABC, CBS, CNN, UPN, you're gonna have the whole alphabet.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

[the Caller phones Stu's girlfriend Pam]
Pamela McFadden: Hi, who's this?
The Caller: It's a good friend of Stu's. And he hasn't got many.
Pamela McFadden: You know Stu?
The Caller: I know he lies.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: Get this man a seat on Oprah!

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

Stu: You shoot a gun here, there'll be pandemonium, cops will be swarming all over the block.
The Caller: Think so? Let's see. One...
[Stu ducks]
The Caller: Two. That won't help you. Three!
[fires gun and shoots a toy robot next to the phone booth - no one notices]
The Caller: Oh Stu, look at

everybody. Look at all the people yelling, Stu. Here come the cops, sniper on the roof. Gunfire. Hit the deck.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: What if I told you I was just above the theater four floors up? See the pink curtains? There you go, Stuart, yes... Yoohoo... Yoohoo.
Stu: Why did you do that?
The Caller: Because it's fun!

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: Think about it. Why would a guy with a cell phone call a woman everyday from a phone booth?
Pamela McFadden: He said it was quiet.
The Caller: Pam, that's just stupid.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: Stu, you just gave that man $10 to walk away and saved his life. You have human emotions after all.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

Stu: [to Ramey] Look, I got issues I can't talk about!
The Caller: Yeah, lethal issues. Tell him to stay back.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: If this is true Stuart, then I have to take somebody with me don't I? And since Kelly is the most important thing in your life, I'll take her.
Stu: No, take me! Take me! I'm the one you want!

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: This is exciting. You get to choose between them. Kelly. Pam. BAM BAM!

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

Stu: [to "Corky"] Get the fuck outta here before I call Hillary and have you deported to New Jersey!

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

Sergeant Cole: Captain, what the fuck is up with the phone calls, man?

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: TV seems to bring out the worst in people.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: That's it, the captain gets a bullet.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

Capt. Ramey: Who's your lawyer?
Kelly Shepard: We don't have a lawyer.
Capt. Ramey: He specifically asked that his attorney be brought down here to negotiate his surrender.
Kelly Shepard: Well, we never needed one.
Capt. Ramey: Well, you need a good one now.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

The Caller: The odds are even now, Stu. Isn't that what you wanted? You know where I am and you have a gun. If you have it in you, you can take me down.
Stu: Fuck! They'll kill me before I can get a shot at you.
The Caller: Ah, you're probably right. I wasn't really there anyway. You would've just spoiled some nice lady's curtains.

Phone Booth
Phone Booth

Felicia: Get done in there, gotta hit this trick spot before the next bitch take my score.
Stu: Look, go away!
Felicia: Go away? Hang up the fuckin' phone, nigger!
[Stu looks at Felicia and then closes the booth]
Felicia: This motherfucker, you don't eyeball me. Bitch!
[Felicia walks away]