Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

You kind of think people get sick of you after a while, but apparently not.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

And I think I have a perspective about Hollywood that you don't see very often in the press.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

We only work four days a week, we only work three weeks out of the month, and we get four months off for the summer. So there's plenty of time for me to spend with the kids.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

God will open any doors he wants to open, and if He closes doors, that's fine, too.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

I think there's a difference when you make fun of yourself and your own behavior, and when you dishonor or disrespect Christ. If you're making a mockery of Christ is one thing. But if you're just joking about human foibles and weaknesses, I think that's perfectly acceptable.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

I've found that people feel very free to say insulting things, not about me personally, but about the things I believe. It's sad, because I really could care less where people are coming from, politically, religiously.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

Anytime anybody is rude, it makes me double-check my own behavior to make sure I don't do that to other people.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

I always know I'm going to lose my job. It's either going to be canceled next week or next year or nine years from now, but I always know my job is going to go.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

There's enough hard stuff going on in people's lives, and you really need that joy that laughter can bring. I don't have to put that in a Christian compartment.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

Frankly, most of my friends hold very different political beliefs. It's just a funny thing in this country that supposedly you can't sit down and have dinner and enjoy another person's company if you don't have the same beliefs. It's ridiculous.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

From the beginning of church history, music, writing, literature, and the greatest works of art all came from the church. To change the culture and make it a force for good, you have to be in it and be a part of it.

Patricia Heaton
Patricia Heaton

I have always believed that when you're feeling sorry for yourself, the best thing to do is help someone else.