Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

One of the aims of sexual union is procreation - the creation by reproduction of an image of itself, of the union.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

We acknowledge but one motive - to follow the truth as we know it, whithersoever it may lead us; but in our heart of hearts we are well assured that the truth which has made us free, will in the end make us glad also.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Friendship is a very taxing and arduous form of leisure activity.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Think how different human societies would be if they were based on love rather than justice. But no such societies have ever existed on earth.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Freud's view is that all love is sexual in its origin or its basis. Even those loves which do not appear to be sexual or erotic have a sexual root or core. They are all sublimations of the sexual instinct.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Theories of love are found in the works of scientists, philosophers, and theologians.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

We are selfish when we are exclusively or predominantly concerned with the good for ourselves. We are altruistic when we are exclusively or predominantly concerned with the good of others.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

If one wants another only for some self-satisfaction, usually in the form of sensual pleasure, that wrong desire takes the form of lust rather than love.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

It is love rather than sexual lust or unbridled sexuality if, in addition to the need or want involved, there is also some impulse to give pleasure to the persons thus loved and not merely to use them for our own selfish pleasure.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

In English we must use adjectives to distinguish the different kinds of love for which the ancients had distinct names.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Erotic or sexual love can truly be love if it is not selfishly sexual or lustful.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

I wonder if most people ever ask themselves why love is connected with reproduction. And if they do ask themselves about this, I wonder what answer they give.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Love wishes to perpetuate itself. Love wishes for immortality.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Ask others about themselves, at the same time, be on guard not to talk too much about yourself.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

The philosopher ought never to try to avoid the duty of making up his mind.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Being influential is not the mark of a great book.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Work is toil: what one does only to earn a living. If it gives pleasure, it is leisure.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

Idling is important. Most people don't know how. They're afraid of it. This explains why they turn on the television set or pick up the newspaper. They think they have to be doing something.

Mortimer Adler
Mortimer Adler

In idling, the motor's running, but you're letting your mind take in anything. Things pop into it. Those are the gifts of subterranean conscious.