Monsters University
Monsters University

Dean Hardscrabble: Mr. Sullivan. I am a seven year old boy...
[Sulley roars before Dean Hardscrabble can finish]
Dean Hardscrabble: I wasn't finished.
Sulley: I don't need to know any of that stuff to scare.
Dean Hardscrabble: That 'stuff' would've informed you that this particular child is afraid of

snakes. So a Roar wouldn't make him scream, it would make him cry, alerting his parents, exposing the monster world, destroying life as we know it. And of course we can't have that. So I cannot recommend that you continue in the Scare Program. Good day.
Sulley: [confused] But I'm a Sullivan.
Dean Hardscrabble: Well then, I'm sure your family will be

very disappointed.
[Johnny and the Rest of the RORs, having been watching nearby, leave the gallery, taking Sulley's ROR Jacket with him]

Monsters University
Monsters University

Sulley: You're wasting your time. We need a new team.
Mike Wazowski: We can't just 'get a new team'! I checked this morning, it's against the rules.

Monsters University
Monsters University

[Mike and Sulley have managed to successfully catch Fear Tech's Mascot, Archie the Scare Pig, after chasing him across the Campus]
Sulley: Fear Tech's Mascot. MU RULES!
[Sulley lifts Mike and the Pig up into the air to show his Victory to the Other Students on Campus]

Monsters University
Monsters University

Don: [to Reggie from the RORs during the Final Challenge of the Scare Games] Thanks for taking it Easy on Grandpa!

Monsters University
Monsters University

[Mike has received his Student ID Card, though it only shows the Top of his Head]
Mike Wazowski: I can't believe it.
Mike Wazowski: [Out Loud] I'm Officially a COLLEGE STUDENT!

Monsters University
Monsters University

[while trying to find someone to join his team for the Scare Games, Mike spots his Roommate Randy in the Crowd]
Randy: Excuse me. I'm running a little late.
Mike Wazowski: Randy! Thank goodness, I need you on my team.
Randy: Sorry Mike. I'm already on a team.
[Randy walks out of the crowd, revealing a ROR Jacket that he

received after Sulley was kicked out of their team, much to Mike's shock]
Randy: I'm finally in with the cool kids, Mike. Don't blow this for me.
Johnny: [Calling out] Hey Boggs, over here.
[Randy walks over to the Rest of the RORS]
Johnny: Do your thing.
[Randy turns invisible, leaving only his jacket visible]

Chet: Woah, where did he go?

Monsters University
Monsters University

[Dean Hardscrabble has turned off the door to the Human World that Mike and Sulley went into, before they could even get back out]
Don: They're still in there.
Dean Hardscrabble: Until the Authorities arrives, this door stays off.
Squishy: *No*! You can't do this.
[he and the others begin to walk over, only to be held

Dean Hardscrabble: [Raising her wings] ENOUGH! I WANT THIS ROOM CLEARED NOW!
[Everyone begins to back away out of the room slowly]

Monsters University
Monsters University

[the Slug from the start of the film finally makes it to Class]
Slug: [Exhausted] Thank Goodness. I made it. First Day of Class.
[Noticing no-one there but a Janitor]
Slug: Hey, where did everyone go?
Janitor: The School Year's over kid. You *missed* it.
[the Slug behind to leave the room, once again at a Slow Rate]

Monsters University
Monsters University

[Sulley rushes to the Door Making Lab, where Dean Hardscrabble is with some Campus Security Guards]
Dean Hardscrabble: No-one goes near this door until the authorities arrive!
Squishy: [Sulley gets approached by the Rest of his Team] James wait, we can help.
Sulley: Look, it's my fault Mike got into this, so it's up to me to

get him out of it.
Don: Leave it to the old master of sales.
[Walks up to to Dean Hardscrabble and the Security Guards]
Don: Hi there. Don Carlton, Sales Person. How often have you asked yourselves the following question?
Dean Hardscrabble: Arrest him.
[the Security Guards press Don up against the wall, allowing

the coast to be clear for Sulley to get to the door]
MU Security Guard: [to Don] Up against the wall *Pops*.
Dean Hardscrabble: [Noticing Sulley] Sullivan, don't you dare.
[desperate, Sully enters the door that Mike went through into the Human World]

Monsters University
Monsters University

[In the Teaser, having roped Mike with the Small Mirrors glued to him to a fan]
Sulley: I Love College.
[Snaps Photo of Mike as he slowly circles the room like a Disco Ball]

Monsters University
Monsters University

Don: [Introducing himself to Mike and Sulley] Don Carlton, mature student. 30 years in a textile industry, and then ol' dandy Don got downsized. Figured I could throw myself a pity party or go back to school and learn the computers.

Monsters University
Monsters University

Mike Wazowski: [as he introduces the team that he joined sometime earlier as he joins the Scare Games] Behold, the Future Scaring League of the World. My Brothers, of Oozma KAPPA.
[the camera points at the team, the other monsters have no reaction whatsoever]

Monsters University
Monsters University

[In the 2nd Challenge of the Scare Games set in the Campus Library, Mike's Team and Slugma Slugma Kappa are the only ones left to obtain their Team Flags at the end of the Library Corridor hanging on a Statue]
Greek Council VP: In a real scare, you do not wanna get get by a kid's parent, and in this event, you do not wanna get caught by...
Greek Council

VP: [Whispering] The Librarian.
Librarian: [At her desk] Shh, Quiet.
Terry: What's so scary about a little old librarian?
[a Blue Monster nearby who's not part of any of the teams accidentally creaks on a Floor Board, sending the 50ft Librarian over, grabbing him with one of her Massive Tentacles]

[More Menacingly, staring the Monster in the eyes] I said *Quiet*.
[the Librarian sends the Terrified Monster out the window, and into a nearby river]

Monsters University
Monsters University

Professor Knight: Alright, alright. Who can tell me the Properties of an Effective Roar?
[Mike raises his hand]
Professor Knight: Yes
Mike Wazowski: There are actually five. Those include the roar's resonance, the duration of the roar, and...
[a loud roar from the Back of the Crowd by a Late Student interrupts Mike, and

the other monsters stare at him in amazement]
Sulley: Oops, sorry. I heard someone say "Roar", so I kinda went for it.
Professor Knight: [as Sulley makes his way to his seat] Very impressive Mister...
Sulley: Sullivan, James P Sullivan.
Professor Knight: Like, Bill Sullivan? The Scarer?

Sulley: He's my Dad.
[the other students feel amazed]
Sulley: You can call me Sulley.
Professor Knight: I expect big things from you this year.
Sulley: You won't be disappointed.
[takes his seat]
Mike Wazowski: Um, I'm sorry sir. But can I please continue?

Professor Knight: Nah, Mr. Sullivan covered it.
[the Students each get out their Textbooks on Scaring]
Professor Knight: Everyone Open your Scaring Textbooks. Turn to Chapter 1.
Sulley: [to a nearby student] Can I borrow your Pencil, I forgot my stuff.
[Sulley uses the pencil as a toothpick, and Mike stares at him

Mike Wazowski: [to himself] That guy is so annoying.

Monsters University
Monsters University

[the 2 headed Monster of Oozma Kappa introduces himself]
Terry: Hi. I'm Terry with a Y...
Terri: And I'm Terri with an I! I'm a dance major.
Terry: And I'm not.
[Terri begins to dance, but Terry whilst holding a cup doesn't allow him to turn]
Terry: I thought we agreed never to do this.

Monsters University
Monsters University

Art: I'm Art.
Art: [while using a Pose of Meditation] New Age Philosophy Major. Excited to live with you, and laugh with you, and cry with you.
Art: [Tosses Mike and Sulley a Journal with their names on it that has a Monstrous looking Unicorn on the front] Hey I thought you'd like to keep a Dream Journal.

Monsters University
Monsters University

Sulley: [on the night before the Final Scare Games challenge in their Oozma Kappa Bedroom] It's time to put aside all the text books, reach down and let the *Scary* out.
[Mike practices scary poses]
Sulley: Come on, DIG DEEP.
Ms. Squibbles: [calling out] Oh boys, it's a School Night.
[Mike and Sulley stop, now feeling

Mike Wazowski: Tomorrow, the whole world is gonna see what Mike Wazowski can do.
Sulley: [smiling] You bet they are.

Monsters University
Monsters University

Dean Hardscrabble: [During the Final Exam] Mr. Wazowski, I'm a 5-year-old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning. Which scare do you use?
Mike Wazowski: [confused] Should I go up on the...?
Dean Hardscrabble: [impatiently] Which scare do I use?
Mike Wazowski: That is a shadow approach with a crackle

Dean Hardscrabble: Demonstrate.
[Mike inhales, but Dean Hardscrabble stops him before he can over go up]
Dean Hardscrabble: Stop. Thank you.
Mike Wazowski: I didn't get to sh...
Dean Hardscrabble: I've seen enough.

Monsters University
Monsters University

[as Mike first arrives on Campus for the first time, he meets 2 monsters sponsoring the Scare Games]
Greek Council President: MU Greek Council! We sponsor the annual Scare Games.
Mike Wazowski: [takes a flyer] The Scare What now?
Greek Council VP: [pounds his fist against the table] The Scare Games! A super intense scaring

Greek Council President: They're *dangerous*, anything could happen.
Greek Council VP: A bunch of guys ended up going to hospital last year.
Greek Council President: You could totally *die*.
Mike Wazowski: [whilst staring at the flyer] Cool.

Monsters University
Monsters University

[During the Final Exam of the Scaring Program, Mike and Sulley whilst trying to prove ones better than the other accidentally destroy Dean Hardscrabble's Scream Canister that had been placed up on the stool]
Mike Wazowski: I'm so sorry.
Sulley: It was an accident.
Dean Hardscrabble: [picking up the destroyed canister] What,

this? My souvenir from a lifetime of scaring? Accidents happen, don't they? The important thing is: no one got hurt.
Mike Wazowski: You're taking this remarkably well.