Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

She's true to herself and she's determined. She has things going against her, but she forges ahead despite all of that. I think that's encouraging. She's got some problems, but she has hope and tries to plow through things. I think that's a good role model.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I went to NYU drama school, so I was a very serious actress. I used to do monologues with a Southern accent, and I was really into drama and drama school. And then, in my last year of drama school, I did a comedy show, and the show became a big hit on campus.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I never think I want to try to be funny. And humor, if there is anything funny, should come from a real place.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

When I was 12, my friend and I tried to sneak onto a plane from my hometown of Cleveland to New York City! My dad encouraged us - he was a wild guy, big on jokes.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

Losing my mom at such a young age had a profound effect on my life.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

The love of a parent, that connection, it's eternal.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I think I'm a really hard worker, and I feel like my attitude is to just enjoy the process of being creative and developing and 'just throw a bunch of stuff against the wall and see what sticks.'

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

Mary Katherine Gallagher is an exaggerated version of me, how I felt when I was little.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I had to babysit a lot when I was in high school, and I missed a lot of parties. I felt this longing, like, 'Oh no, I'm going to miss meeting the love of my life at that party!' I feel like that's very Mary Katherine Gallagher.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

People would be like, 'Oh, 'Saturday Night Live' is such a stepping stone!' And I remember being like, 'A stepping stone?! This is my everything! I could just stop right here! This is the pinnacle!'

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I actually went to college with Adam Sandler. He was a dramatic actor, too!

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

When I see a mom embarrassed because her kid is having a temper tantrum, I'm like, 'Please! Do you think I've never gone through that?' Women tend to be too hard on themselves.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I've definitely read stuff that I've been offered where I've been like, 'I can't do this. I think somebody would be better in this than me.' I don't want to do something if I don't feel like I can do a good job serving the material.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I love comedy, but I did always consider myself a dramatic comedian.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I'm no way one of those comedians who want to do drama. I really do love comedies. I hope to go back to it.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I think things get a lot better after high school. I think the ones that struggle during that time tend to have better experiences after.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I went to drama school at New York University.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I really love having lots of down time with my kids.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

I like both movies and TV, so I don't have some big grand plan.

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

When I was on 'Saturday Night Live,' all I did was work.