Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Migration isn't a one-directional process; it's a colossal process that has been happening in all directions for thousands of years.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

For me, writing a novel is like solving a puzzle. But I don't intend my novels as puzzles. I intend them as invitations to dance.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

The four places I've called home in my life have been Lahore, London, New York and California. And I have a very strong tie to each one of those four places.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Maybe we are all prospective migrants. The lines of national borders on maps are artificial constructs, as unnatural to us as they are to birds flying overhead. Our first impulse is to ignore them.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

When I travel, I feel more like a nomad than a tourist.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Childbirth changed my perception of my wife. She was now the bloodied special forces soldier who had fought and risked everything for our family.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Love places someone else in the centre of your being and your own self is blurred.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

I think that there is a degree of petulance around President Trump and also a degree of sort of blundering incompetence, which is unlike most businesspeople.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Stories helped me unite parts of my existence that might otherwise have seemed irrevocably split by geography and time. And stories helped me find a future in which I, such a mongrel, could be comfortable.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Novel writing is the slowest art form in the world. It is not a sprint. It is not even a marathon. It is a series of marathons that stretch over and over across a continent.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

We are each of us composed of atoms, but equally, we are composed by time.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Those of us who thought Jorge Luis Borges was a pioneer of magical realism were mistaken; he was a pioneer of science fiction.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

It is not surprising that most Pakistanis do not support America's bombardment of Afghanistan. The Afghans are neighbours on the brink of starvation and devastated by war. America has shown itself to be untrustworthy, a superpower that uses its values as a scabbard for its sword.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Americans need to educate themselves, from elementary school onward, about what their country has done abroad. And they need to play a more active role in ensuring that what the United States does abroad is not merely in keeping with a foreign policy elite's sense of realpolitik but also with the American public's own sense of American values.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

'Which is stronger, politics or love?' is like asking, 'Which is stronger, exhaling or inhaling?' They are two sides of the same thing.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Nothing good gets written without the writer suffering along the way, in my opinion. Writing should be a pleasure, but unless you feel almost broken many, many times in the journey to a novel, you haven't pushed yourself hard enough.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

Capitalism is like the law of the jungle with a few rules. There isn't another system that works for our society but left unchecked, capitalism can have a dehumanising effect.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

The simple fact of being a human being is you migrate. Many of us move from one place to the other. But even those who don't move, and you stay in the same city, if you were born in Manhattan 70 years ago, you're born in Des Moines 70 years ago, you've lived in the same place for 70 years, the city you live in today is unrecognizable.

Mohsin Hamid
Mohsin Hamid

I took a couple of creative writing classes with Joyce Carol Oates at Princeton University, and in my senior year there, I took a long fiction workshop with Toni Morrison. I fell in love with it.