Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

If I don't believe in a role, I can't pull it off.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

In my industry, everybody wants to know everything about you, and it's just dumb. I think the only way of maintaining some of that mystique is by not giving away too much about yourself. It has served me well so far. I never want to feel up for grabs.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

It's difficult to keep in touch with someone when you're moving around all the time. I've decided that you can have it all, but you can't have it all, all of the time.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

Feminism was a dirty word for a while.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

For years, I never knowingly went on a holiday. When I travelled, it was for work. Now I am a huge advocate, particularly to places which have amazing wildlife, such as Antarctica, India and Patagonia.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

I don't necessarily wait for that massive leading role. I want to keep the juices flowing.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

It's the idea that when you say 'actress', people think of an airy, floaty, no-brain person, which of course you can't be if you are an actor. It is an unfortunate word, which is why, for a time, I hung on to 'actor', because it just seemed more workmanlike, you know, like you say 'woman doctor' not 'doctoress'.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

London keeps me grounded. We don't get praised every time we open our gobs there.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

I've never felt stigmatized in my profession, nor have I allowed myself to. I don't feel either male or female, I feel I am just me, and I should be able to do whatever I like.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

My roots are still in Britain, that's where I live, that's the place where I come from.

Miranda Richardson
Miranda Richardson

I like people to be surprised by the turn of events. I don't want things just to be pat and formulaic. If there's some sort of internal combustion in the character or a desire to change the way things are going, that makes for conflict, which is the essence of drama.