Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

I think there are ramifications for having rules when you don't have a problem.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

While repealing net neutrality rules grabs headlines... net neutrality started as a consumer issue but soon became a stepping stone to impose vastly more common carrier regulation on broadband companies.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Some may try to argue that conservatism and libertarianism are contradictory perspectives. But I disagree.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

I'm for Internet openness. We're all for Internet openness. If you asked the American people, I think they support it. Internet companies, broadband companies are all in favor of it.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Net neutrality rules have been premised on the incentives and ability of ISPs to engage in harmful conduct, not actual harms. I don't believe we should be regulating based on hypothetical problems.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

If any company goes and does something stupid, the market is going to address that, and the rest of the industry is going to go and address that and say that is not accepted behavior, that is not an accepted practice, and it will self-correct.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

I think net neutrality needs to be explored in a broader sense.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Erasing the ALJ process, even if it takes legislation, will not deny anyone due individual process, generate added litigation risks or substantially increase workloads for commissioners or staff.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

One of the best ways to realize Wi-Fi's impact is to imagine life without it.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Federal law, implemented by the Federal Communications Commission, helped kill network broadcasts of Scooby-Doo, Bugs Bunny and their modern equivalents, while effectively issuing do-not-resuscitate orders for classics like 'In the News.'

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Importantly, while PBS is subject to some of the Commission's Kid Vid rules, its business model is designed around community programming, and its efforts will continue with or without Commission mandates.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

It takes time and effort to soldier on and make your arguments.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

I can assure you that the United States intends to pursue the best course of action to meet its own spectrum needs.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Ideally, the ITU must be made up of truly visionary leaders - those willing to do the hard work to get critical spectrum bands realigned and put to their highest use.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

It is important to note that Internet access is not a necessity in the day-to-day lives of Americans and doesn't even come close to the threshold to be considered a basic human right.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

People can and do live without Internet access, and many lead very successful lives.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Repeat after me. 'Robocall' is not a bad word.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Unlike government entities, the private sector has the technical knowhow and experience to build and operate complex communications systems.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

In the end, I am confident that we can revise our rules to provide necessary and appropriate flexibility for local broadcasters while preserving and/or improving the experience of those watching children's programming.

Michael O'Rielly
Michael O'Rielly

Arguably, the application of complete libertarianism leads one towards anarchy.