Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

[the Fockers' outgoing message]
Bernie Focker: Hello, you've reached the Fockers. We're not around, so leave us a message. Goodbye. Roz, how the hell do you shut this thing off?
Roz Focker: I have no idea. Just press a button.
Bernie Focker: All right, I'm pretty sure it's off. Honey, you want a chimichanga?

Focker: I thought they give you gas.
Bernie Focker: A little bit, but it's worth it.
Roz Focker: Yeah, worth it for you, but I'm the one that gets the fumes.
Bernie Focker: Honey, I'm in the mood for a chimichanga!
Roz Focker: So make a chimichang...

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Jack Byrnes: I don't care if they did call you Larry Poppins. You are completely unfit to handle a child.
Greg Focker: It was Barry Poppins.
Jack Byrnes: What kind of sick cocktail were you going to make my grandson?
Roz Focker: Jack, the baby's teething. I told Greg to give him some rum to ease the pain.

Jack Byrnes: It was your idea?
Roz Focker: Yes.
Jack Byrnes: What is wrong with you people?
Bernie Focker: You people?
Dina Byrnes: I used to rub bourbon on Denny's gums.
Jack Byrnes: Yeah! Look what happened to him. Greg, you couldn't follow a simple set of

Greg Focker: Jack. he was screaming. So I went in and I gave him a little attention. Okay?
Jack Byrnes: He's learning to self-soothe. These setbacks are disastrous for his devlopment.
Roz Focker: The child is adorable, but you're not raising Little Buddha over here.
Greg Focker: Mom.

Jack Byrnes: What are you saying?
Roz Focker: I'm saying that I have seen that kid eat at least 15 boogers since he's been here and and I've got news for you, Jack, prodigies don't eat there own boogers.
Jack Byrnes: And I've got news for you. Prodigies don't come in 10th place every time either.

Byrnes: Okay, Dad. That's my fiance.
Jack Byrnes: I'm sorry. It's just that I've never seen people celebrate mediocrity the way you do.
Roz Focker: Because we love our son? We hug our son? Let's get down to it. The truth is, you're so concerned about that Little Jack, but I think that it's the Little Jack in you that is crying out for a hug.

Jack Byrnes: The Little Jack in me?
[Greg is getting extremely frusrated]
Roz Focker: Jack, you have issues. I'm trying to understand why you run around with a rubber boob strapped to your chest. I mean, were you ever breastfed? My guess is no.
Jack Byrnes: Will you spare my the drugstore pyschology.

Focker: [everyone starts arguing] Everybody! All right. Everybody just... Everybody just STOP, okay?
[everyone is quiet]
Greg Focker: Jack, I am not going to make any excuses. Yes, Little Jack wouldn't stop crying so I gave him some hugs and I let him watch TV. I went to answer the phone, I was gone for a second, I came back, he let himself out of the

playpen, he put on Scarface, and he glued his hands to the rum bottle. Okay? That's it.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

[repeated line]
Little Jack: Ass-'ole

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Jack Byrnes: We use the Ferber method.
Bernie Focker: We use the Focker method. We hugged and kissed that little boy like there was no tomorrow. We Fockerized him.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Greg Focker: What happened last night?
Pam Byrnes: Well, you got drunk and told my dad I'm pregnant, you revealed you have a 15 year old son named Jorge, and oh, apparently you have the hots for my mom.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Jack Byrnes: Greg, a man reaches a certain age when he realizes what's truely important. Do you know what that is?
Greg Focker: Love... friendship... enjoying the moment... living... just love.
Jack Byrnes: His legacy.
Greg Focker: That, too. Right, yeah. Sure.
Jack Byrnes: Let me put

it very simply. If your family's circle does indeed join my family's circle, they'll form a chain. I can't have a chink in my chain.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Jack Byrnes: I'm not so sure this wedding is such a good idea. I don't like what I'm seeing from these Fockers.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Bernie Focker: Is this not the most handsome young man you've ever seen in your life? Used to call him a young Jewish Marlon Brando. Can you believe I conceived him with one testicle? No really, it's true. I only have one because the other one never dropped. It's called an undescending testicle. It's uh, not uncommon. But look at him! Imagine what he would've looked like if I had


Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Pam Byrnes: In a few weeks, I'm not going to be Pam Byrnes. I'm going to be Pamela Focker.
Greg Focker: Or Byrnes-Focker, we haven't totally decided yet.
Pam Byrnes: No, no, no, I'm going to be Pamela Martha Focker. I know how that sounds but that's the name I'm taking.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Bernie Focker: If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down... Oops, forgot my own rule.
[flushes the toilet]

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Roz Focker: I'm wondering why you run around with a rubber boob strapped to your chest!

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Greg Focker: It's great to be here with all of you as I am about to set sail in my ship of life with my first mate, the beautiful, young blonde lass over there. Hey baby.
[blows her a kiss]
Greg Focker: I still masturbate to Pam.
Pam Byrnes: Greg.
Greg Focker: What? It's true. Honey, what? C'mon, you're

hot. Look at her! Look at those boobs. Man! I just wanna lather 'em up with soap and just
[shakes head making motorboat noise]
Greg Focker: . Man, I just want to nestle in there and take a little vacation in there.
Pam Byrnes: Honey.
Greg Focker: Honey, what? I'm sorry. Okay, excuse me for you being perfect! Hey, you

know who else is great? That woman over there, my future mother-in-law, Dina Byrnes! Dina Dina Bo-Bina Banana Fana Fo Fina. I love D-D-Dina Byrnes! You know they say if you really want to know what a woman's going to look like when she gets older, you should look at her mother. Well I'm lookin' and I'm likin'! Woo, look at her! Sweetness!
Greg Focker: Good

genes. Byrnes gene pool.
[Spies Jorge]
Greg Focker: Hey, hey you! Hold on. Pam, I gotta tell you something about this little dude right here. In my first really passionate sexual awakening, I did, in fact lose my virginity to our beautiful housekeeper Isabel.
Pam Byrnes: Greg, honey, that was in the past so why don't you just come sit down?

Greg Focker: No, no, no, no, honey. 'Cause I have to get this off my chest. Really. We concieved a child. And his name is Jorge Villalobos. Come on up here, Jorge. Come up here. Let's lift the veil of mystery. The fruit of my loins is right here! Everybody take a look. See his face. He is mine. Search your feelings Jorge. You know it to be true. Yo soy tu papa.

Greg Focker: It's okay. I know. Lot of information. You let it settle. Who'da thunk it, huh? Come on, give that kid a hand. Oh, and Jack? Pam's pregnant. Focker out.
[passes out]

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Officer LeFlore: [to Bernie and Greg] I need you to... remain... on... the vehicle!

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Greg Focker: Hey, Dad, you shouldn't take Moses into the RV. Jack and Dina have a cat.
Bernie Focker: Oh, Moses is fine. He's perfectly trained.
Greg Focker: Dad, he humps everything that moves.
Roz Focker: [laughing] He's like your father!
Bernie Focker: I never cheated on you!

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Bernie Focker: Jack, tell me one smart thing the C.L.I.A. has done. I will give you the deed to her house.
Jack Byrnes: The C.L.I.A.?
Bernie Focker: Central Lack of Intelligence Agency!

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Bernie Focker: Jack, you've insulted me, my wife, my son and our entire way of life. I've sat back and taken it, but now you've crossed the line, sir, and I am going to have to kick your ass.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Jack Byrnes: You knew she was pregnant?
Dina Byrnes: We all did, Jack.
Pam Byrnes: Daddy, I was going to tell you after the wedding, I swear.
Jack Byrnes: This is the reason I created the circle of trust so we could discuss these things.
Pam Byrnes: But the circle isn't going to work if

you don't trust anyone that's in it, Dad.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

[Jack is in the RV ready to leave the island but Bernard is lying down in front of the RV so he won't leave]
Jack Byrnes: [over loudspeaker] Bernard, get out from under the vehicle or I will run you over.
Bernie Focker: I'm not moving, Jack. There's a non-violent way to handle this.

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

[after the Byrnes' cat flushes the Fockers' dog down the toilet]
Roz Focker: Your cat can flush?

Meet the Fockers
Meet the Fockers

Greg Focker: You meet some of the... eh... some of the cousins?
Jack Byrnes: I met some, yes. I met some... Dom?
Greg Focker: Yeah, Dom Focker, that's my dad's... uh... first cousin. You meet his kids, Randy and Orny?