Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Every American has a right to affordable, high-quality health care.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Health reform is an essential part of restoring America's economy and maintaining our competitiveness.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

IRAs are intended for retirement.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Increased trade is crucial to a balanced plan for stimulating growth and job creation on both sides of the Atlantic.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

For our part, the U.S. government has an obligation to aggressively pursue every opportunity to expand trade, boost the economy, and create well-paid jobs here at home.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Any bilateral trade and investment agreement must be comprehensive and address the full range of barriers to U.S. goods and services if it is to receive broad, bipartisan congressional support.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

America's ranchers and farmers produce the highest-quality products in the world.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

If Congress can strip the federal courts of jurisdiction over school prayer cases, there is no provision in the Constitution immune from congressional tampering.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

School prayer, abortion, and school busing are indeed controversial issues. I doubt that there ever will be complete agreement on the public-policy questions they raise.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Life has many twists and turns.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

I just like to have one foot in Montana and one foot out.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

I believe very, very strongly that when you serve, you serve the entire state.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

You can't operate by hindsight.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

My blood, my roots, my soul is in the state of Montana.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Politics abhors a vacuum.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

My basic advice to the Chinese with respect to the South China Sea is, 'Hey, guys, cool it.'

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

Failure to pass TPP sends a big signal. The United States is backing off, backing away. That will create a huge void here.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

It is my strong belief that the Chinese people are just as proud as we Americans are proud.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

I have learned some core lessons along the way. Among the most important, I have become a firm believer that a strong geopolitical relationship can be born out of a strong economic relationship, which often begins with trade.

Max Baucus
Max Baucus

A lot of America is stressed by Mother Nature.