Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Generations of thinkers have made typewriters their frenemies, and long before there were Gmail inboxes, print correspondence stacked up, some hastily written and impulsive on the steel gadgets.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

The fall of Rome seemed unthinkable to people at the time but inevitable to historians reflecting upon it with the benefit of context.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

While the U.S. government is unlikely to ever limit the number of football games, plenty of parents are refusing to let their children play the sport due to the risk of head injuries.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Football, like boxing, will never go away, just occupy a different role in the American zeitgeist.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

London, Ontario, sits halfway between Detroit and Buffalo, a description that applies as much to its soul as to its geographical coordinates.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Women in finance bore the brunt of layoffs more than their male counterparts during the Great Recession in 2008 and were also more likely to have been in back office jobs that were replaced by computers.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

I think that my main business is as a news person.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

I remember, often, when you tell people you're doing a book about board games, they think you're totally nuts. And that might be warranted. But I feel like if we can't get the story of Monopoly right... what hope is there for anything else?

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

I think that when you talk to people about Monopoly, they love talking about their memories associated with it. And for me, I'm the same way. I mean, when I think about Monopoly, I think of my family playing at the holidays.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Journalists know that often you don't grab stories, they grab you.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

If bingeing on bad emergency-room-themed television has taught me anything, it's that crisis situations bring out the best and worst in people.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

I'm astonished at how quickly the Great Recession came and went.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Trucking-company terminals are places where paperwork gets filled out, driving orders are given, and partners are assigned. They can often be social hubs for drivers, breaking up the monotony and solitude they face on the road.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

For years, women in India were largely discouraged from participating in high-level sports - and, unless the women were wealthy, good facilities were hard to come by, anyway.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

When most people think of Tae Kwon Do - which, in the United States, is not all that often - they think of sparring, a form of competition that both men and women perform at the Olympics.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Like Barack Obama's father, Trump's mother was an immigrant. But Trump doesn't often bring up his Scottish ancestry on the campaign trail.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

Historically, companies haven't hesitated to end their relationships with professional athletes amid scandals.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

We spend millions on fitness each year, yet we seem to get fatter.

Mary Pilon
Mary Pilon

The first few days without a cellphone were difficult. I felt liberated from the static of Facebook and Twitter but feared that I had missed some email or call that someone had died.