Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

You can't count on things happening if you're not in control of them happening.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

I'm in control of things happening in my aviation career. And I'm not in my acting career.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

My greatest regret would be that I took my success for granted, because it was given to me at such a young age.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

I thought my acting career was going to just last forever - and I didn't plan on it ending at 41, 42 years of age.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

I was heavy and overweight as a teenager, so it's hard to be cocky or egotistical.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

I'm not too secure about my looks. They can always change.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

I can be brutally honest, which can be hard on others, but I'm a good friend.

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

The ladies remember me from 'Falcon Crest,' and the guys remember me from 'Renegade.'

Lorenzo Lamas
Lorenzo Lamas

I got my first pilot license, an airplane private pilot license, in 1997 for the purpose of going to pick up my kids, who were living with their mother in Arizona, and I was in L.A. It was easier than to put them on a commercial flight. It was purely practical.