Lindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson

My lips are a lot thinner than what makeup artists usually create, because they make them almost graphic.

Lindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson

Modelling has really helped build my confidence.

Lindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson

When I was younger, most people thought my lips looked like Tweety Bird's - there were always comments like that from family and neighbors.

Lindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson

I actually use baking soda to exfoliate my lips - I mix a little bit with water and use my fingers to lightly scrub with it. Then I use jojoba oil and olive oil to keep them moisturized.

Lindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson

Overall, I'm a mix of a lot of different quirks, from my dimples to my eyebrows to my lips, which I've always felt were just one of my signature features.

Lindsey Wixson
Lindsey Wixson

I'm really glad that I kept the gap. There are a lot of iconic women from past and present who have one.