Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now... only much, much better.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

When love is gone, there's always justice. And when justice is gone, there's always force. And when force is gone, there's always Mom. Hi, Mom!

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

Performance art is about joy, about making something that's so full of kind of a wild joy that you really can't put into words.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

The world is a strange and wonderful place.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

People only stutter at the beginning of the word. They're not afraid when they get to the end of the word. There's just regret.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

I have written a lot about snakes. There's something pretty primordial about it.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I'm using 15,000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

A lot of words in English confuse the idea of life and electricity, like the word livewire.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

I'm a real workaholic.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

It's good to take a longer view and think, What would I really like to do if I had no limitations whatsoever?

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

The problem with prototypes is they don't always work.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

As an artist I'd choose the thing that's beautiful more than the one that's true.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

The only stuff I don't like are Broadway musicals. I hate them. I don't even like to talk about it. I can't bear musicals.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

I think artists who are attracted to working on the Net will adjust their work to the capabilities of a very small screen.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

I've been trying to avoid goal-oriented behavior.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

My secret dream is to write an epic poem. That's probably the most pretentious thing I've said.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

I have written a few children's books. The first book that I wrote was for children. It was called 'The Package', and it was a mystery story in pictures. It had no words.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

People are really suffering these days. There's a lot of corporate triumph and a lot of personal despair as they wonder what are they working for.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

I've never really had a hobby, unless you count art, which the IRS once told me I had to declare as a hobby since I hadn't made money with it.

Laurie Anderson
Laurie Anderson

You can do great things with low-tech stuff.