Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Benedict: [to Danny] I must warn you, I've killed people smarter and younger than you.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[watching Jack wipe tar off his face with a paper towel]
Danny Madigan: You know, tar actually sticks to some people.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Ripper: Jack, what kept you? Andy here's been getting nervous. I promised him you'd come. Gave him my word of honor he could watch you die. Lose the cannon.
Jack Slater: Has he hurt you Andrew?
Ripper: Hurt, Jack? You say hurt? What do you know about hurt, Jack? You put me in a cage for ten years.
Jack Slater:

You should've gotten the death penalty.
Ripper: Yeah, shoulda, woulda, coulda, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Things crawling around on your head. Sitting on my chest when I wake up. You know what that's like, Jack? It was your illegal search, that rendered the bloody axe admissible. Remember, Jack? Now lose the gun.
[Jack puts his gun on the ground]

Slater: Alright, I'm unarmed.
Ripper: Just one gun, Jack? You gotta be kidding.
[Jack removes nearly a dozen guns]
Ripper: That all, sport?
Jack Slater: Yup, that about does it.
[pulls out grenade]
Jack Slater: Oh, unless you consider this a weapon.
[throws grenade at

Ripper's feet]
Ripper: Brilliant, brilliant, Jack. I surrender.
Jack Slater: It's a live grenade.
Ripper: Yeah right, Jack, right right right. You're gonna sacrifice your own child to get to me. I'm very flattered, Jack, but I doubt it. Andy, pick up the grenade.
[Andy slowly picks up the grenade]

Ripper: Come on. Show it to me. That's good. Jack, that toy, can't hurt the boy.
[flashes Axe]
Ripper: But this one can.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Ripper: Hey, Jack. What kept you?
Jack Slater: Are you alright, Danny?
Danny Madigan: Yes, sir.
Ripper: You know, I tried to change, Jack. I really tried to do what he told me to do. You know, but I kept hearing that old music. That's how I knew you'd come, Jack. Now lose the piece.
[throws gun off the

Jack Slater: There, it's now it's between you and me. Now let the boy go.
Ripper: Now we've played this number before haven't we, Jack? Let's see, what comes next. You t - you throw the gun away. Right... we did that part.
[mock laughter, puts down axe]
Ripper: Then, you tell me to let the kid go. Ah, I'm getting

bored, why don't we just skip to the end?
[throws Danny over the ledge]

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

John Practice: Somebody once told me I talk too much... No more words
[two gunshots and falls down]

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Danny Madigan: Benedict! If you harm a hair on her head...
Benedict: Stop!
[Pulls one strand of Whitney's hair, presents it to Danny, and snaps it in two]
Benedict: You were saying?
[Pulls up a chair]
Benedict: Now, I believe it was Sherlock Holmes who said, "If you eliminate all logical

solutions to a problem - all illogical solutions, however unlikely, become inevitably true." See, I know that your name is Daniel Madigan. What I don't know is how you know mine?
Danny Madigan: Slater showed me some mugshots. We made your face easy.
Benedict: Daniel Madigan from New York. A long way from home, aren't you. When did you get here?

Danny Madigan: Just.
Benedict: And how do you know what I said on Vivaldi's terrace?
Danny Madigan: I heard it in a recording.
Benedict: Microphones in the statues, are there?
Danny Madigan: You wouldn't believe how many.
Benedict: And the eye I was wearing?

Danny Madigan: I saw it. I saw it in a movie. There were micro-cameras in the statues.
Benedict: I should tell you, that I have killed people smarter and younger than you.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Danny Madigan: The house looked European, like maybe if you get a postcard from Italy or something. Like that one. In fact, just like that one! The bad guys are in there!
Jack Slater: You know something? I think you should be wearing this.
Danny Madigan: I don't think I've earned it yet.
Jack Slater: You don't

understand. You just solved the entire case. you just revolutionized the entire history of police training. I mean all these years at the academy, studying human character, psyche of the terrorists, fingerprint analysis, all the courses that I've taken in surveillance, hostage negotiation, and criminal psychology, when all I have to do is drive around the neighborhood, point my finger at a house,

and say, "the bad guys are in there!"?
Danny Madigan: You think you're funny, don't you?
Jack Slater: I know I am. I'm the famous comedian, Arnold Braunschweiger.
Jack Slater: Schwarzenegger!
Jack Slater: Gesundheit.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[Danny Madigan is watching the bad guys on the screen]
Danny Madigan: You are gonna pay... Oooh, you gonna pay!

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[first lines]
Dekker: This is one hell of a way to spend Christmas.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Jack Slater: Big mistake!

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[Frank's last words]
Frank: I'm out of here...

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[When danny comes home with Jack at 4 a.m]
Danny's mom: Where have you been? The police called. You're not here. You're not there.
Danny Madigan: Mom, I'm sorry, okay. Shh.
Danny's mom: " Okay, shh?" There are 9 million kids out there with guns and that's all you have to say to me? "Okay, shh?" Will you get in here?

Danny Madigan: Mom? You know how you always say you wish I had more friends? Well.
Jack Slater: Hello Mrs. Madigan. Arnold Braunshweiger.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Danny Madigan: OK, I got one. What about this girl right here. She is way too attractive to be working in a video store.
Jack Slater: I agree with you. I think she should be working with us... under cover of course...

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Danny Madigan: Chicken it is...

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Tony Vivaldi: You've had Slater in front of the eight ball before, but you always screwed it up.
Benedict: [after Vivaldi leaves] It's behind the eight ball, you moron!

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Jack Slater: I don't care who does what to your Hershey highway!

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[the nervgasbomb goes of in the tar-pit]
Jack Slater: Silent but deadly!

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

[Jack Slater throws Benedict against a wall, and both Benedict and his servant disappears through it]
Jack Slater: Usually when I do that it leaves a hole...

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

Jack Slater: We're that close in catching him.
Danny Madigan: No, Jack. We're that close to catching pneumonia.

Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero

John Practice: How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Jack Slater: By practice. John Practice!