Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

The goal with a big piece of social legislation is to have a bipartisan result, so the country will accept it.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

I think we do better as a country when we go step by step toward a goal, and the goal in this case should be reducing health care costs.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

If you have a solution to immigration, it is possible to come home and defend it.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

The composition of the primary is so different than when I was first elected governor in 1978.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

I think higher education is over-regulated.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

Well, here's what I think. I mean, the people are saying, 'We don't want it,' and the Democrats are saying, 'We don't care. We're going to pass it anyway.' And so for the next three months, Washington will be consumed with the Democrats trying to jam this through in a very messy procedure an unpopular health care bill.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

I remember when President Bush, George W. Bush, came into office, he focused on No Child Left Behind, and with - and before very long, suddenly, Republicans were thought of as being as interested and as competent in education as Democrats, and why? Because they were talking about it and doing something about it.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

I think there are too many bosses in Washington telling Nashville Diesel College and Harvard University how to run - how to run their campuses, and I'd like to reduce the number of Washington regulations on higher education and keep this marketplace of wonderful institutions among which students can choose; that's oriented toward job growth.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

I think Americans are - particularly, independent voters are looking at Washington, and they see too many taxes, too much spending, too much debt, too many Washington takeovers, and they want to provide a check and a balance to what they see as a runaway, overreaching Washington government.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

When I was governor, I was looking for a way to unify our state. I realized music is about the only thing that unifies Tennessee.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

President Bush and I had asked Congress to appropriate a half-billion dollars to school vouchers. We didn't get it, and we were disappointed. But we did not go out and form a corporation to pay for it. That would have been a problem.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

If the administration asks for $5 and Congress appropriates $4, that's what they get. If the government creates a subterfuge by going outside the government to raise money through a private entity, that's a violation of the law.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

Most people who get in trouble in politics usually get in trouble because they're disconnected from the people they serve, and I don't think anybody in Tennessee, even people who won't vote for me, would accuse me of that.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

To power the country by building 186,000 fifty-story wind turbines - and running 19,000 miles of new transmission lines - just seems impractical and preposterous compared to the idea of building a hundred new nuclear facilities primarily on the sites we already have.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

I've got a new rule. It'll be rule No. 312. If it's three days before a campaign, don't believe anything new you hear about anybody.

Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander

We've got a strong group of Republicans who are conservatives who know that their jobs aren't finished when they finish their speech.