Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I've certainly experienced physical pain in my life.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I don't take story input from fans.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I have a little kitchen office at home, where I do all my kids' stuff.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

It's so weird that I play this woman who pretty much deals with violence on a daily basis, and I'm such a wimp in who I am.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I wanted to be a rock star when I grew up, or at least a singer/songwriter.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I love TV.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I like when everything's naturally moving along - I find that pretty exciting.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I made a living being a background singer for years.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I've never played a character that would sing.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

It's great to be mean, it is, it's fun.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I've done comedy most of my career, which I love, but I wanted to expand.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

When you tour with a band, you're just out there, and it's just you guys. That's your little universe. If you do a play, it's the same deal. That becomes your world, for the cast and crew.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I had to accept the fact that sometimes things happen that are out of our hands.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I think the biggest change has been realizing I now have three children.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

My thing about having another child was, time's-a-wasting!

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I do tend to play characters that have a lot of costume and hair change. I sort of like the change of physicality thing.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I love interpreting other people's music.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

There's so many great songs already written, it's kind of really wonderful you don't have to write your own.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

I have teenagers, so I listen to a lot of music. They turn me on to great music.

Katey Sagal
Katey Sagal

We all have that desire to be kind of wild and bad.