Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

We hope to encourage George and Charlotte to speak about their feelings, and to give them the tools and sensitivity to be supportive peers to their friends as they get older.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

From taking photographs of George and Charlotte, I have been struck by the wonderful lack of self-consciousness that you see in photographs of children, without the self-awareness that adults generally feel.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

Actually William wasn't there for quite a bit of the time initially, he wasn't there for Freshers Week, so it did take a bit of time for us to get to know each other but we did become very close friends from quite early.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I think, the people around home are very supportive to us.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I'm still very much Kate.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

It's obviously nerve-wracking, because I don't know the ropes really, William is obviously used to it, but I'm willing to learn quickly and work hard.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I have learned that delivering the best possible palliative care to children is vital, providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement at a time of great need is simply life-changing.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

Around-the-clock support is crucial for children receiving palliative care. They and their families often need help every hour of every day, both in hospices and at home.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

All of us know someone who has been through difficult emotional times, and we know how hard it can be to see a way forward.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

We need to help young people and their parents understand that it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

No parent would fail to call the doctor if their child developed a fever.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I was lucky. My parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood where I always knew I was loved, valued, and listened to.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I often get asked why I decided to spend time highlighting the mental health of children.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

It is our duty, as parents and as teachers, to give all children the space to build their emotional strength and provide a strong foundation for their future.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

We have heard time and time again in the course of our work how talking can help heal the hidden challenges we can't deal with alone.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

It's very special having a new little girl.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I feel very, very lucky that George has got a little sister.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

I feel enormously proud to be part of East Anglia's Children's Hospices and to see the wonderful life-changing work that you do.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

Imagine if everyone was able to help just one child who needs to be listened to, needs to be respected, and needs to be loved - we could make such a huge difference for an entire generation.

Kate Middleton
Kate Middleton

Throughout my work with family and child support organizations, one thing that has stood out to me time and again is that getting early support for a child who is struggling to cope is the best possible thing we can do to help our children as they grow up.