Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

It's great to work with people that you like, any job, no matter what you do.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

As a kid I had a crush on Sophia Loren and Raquel Welch.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

All of the directors I've worked with I have loved and would work with again. I have no favorites.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

I am very grateful to make my living doing what I would do for free.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

My closest friend is canine. I have precious few close friends, and most of them are not actors.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

I went to acting school in New York City for two years. I studied with Stella Adler.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

Death is not my best subject.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

I just couldn't go back to Suddenly Susan after David Strickland's suicide. I didn't see how we could make the show light and funny any more.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

With failure, you just try again.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

It is a career of make-believe, of masks. We all have masks in life.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

I have adopted clothes from all the projects I'm in. It's really been a while since I've bought anything myself.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

While they would have provided financial support if I had needed it, the greatest support my parents gave was emotional, psychological.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

I like the way the old Toyotas look.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

A fancy watch, it's completely unnecessary. I just need a watch to tell the right time.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

It's still a bottom-line business. You can be out of control, and if they want you, they'll pick you. And you can be a mensch, and if you're not the product they want, you won't get it.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

You can be knocked down, but it doesn't mean you're out.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

When I was in college, all the pretty women were in the theatre, so I auditioned for a play.

Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson

Remember to be as smart as you are.