Jim Goad
Jim Goad

My hatred is a thousand times more powerful than all your good intentions.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

Hatred is the air I breathe. It permeates every cell in my body.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

I think my sense of humor is Jewish. I'm smarter than most white people, which is kind of a Jewish thing, too.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

They're not posing as being Jesus Christ all the time.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that makes people likeable.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

My hatred is diamond-hard.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

Many of the racial problems in America are caused by the fact that people are innately tribal, and politicians know how to exploit that biological fact.

Jim Goad
Jim Goad

People can be so heartless and dirty.