Adriano Zumbo
Adriano Zumbo

Chocolate is one of those flavors that's very likeable, very loveable, very versatile.

Aimee Mullins
Aimee Mullins

I was once told that I had become too confident and that it made me less likeable. Many successful people will get this at some point, because the people who haven't followed a similar path can be threatened by someone who has and is unabashed about it.

Alan Cooper
Alan Cooper

If we want users to like our software, we should design it to behave like a likeable person.

Alison Owen
Alison Owen

The most interesting characters keep us hooked. Not likeable ones! Iago, Shylock, Darth Vader - are they likeable? Do you want to invite them to dinner?

Andrew O'Hagan
Andrew O'Hagan

There's a horrible fallacy that exists in the popular discussion of fiction these days: the idea that a successful central character need be 'likeable' or 'sympathetic'. It is surely more important that they be human, no? More crucial that they breathe?

Antonin Scalia
Antonin Scalia

Some people are inherently likeable. If you're not - work on it. It may even improve your social life.

Asa Butterfield
Asa Butterfield

That was the most important thing to me: making sure 'Gardner Elliot' was likeable and funny and interesting. I took my time before filming to chat with Peter, the director, to create this character.

Baron Corbin
Baron Corbin

Sometimes I just go, 'Is it me? Am I really just not that likeable?' The cool thing is, when you go out there and see a lady get mad or a guy get mad, or they hate you because you didn't come from the independents, or whatever, what I like to do is just pour kerosene on that fire.

Bryant H. McGill
Bryant H. McGill

It has been my experience that if we make the effort to listen to people when we meet them, and work to get to know them a little, it is then easy to find something likeable in practically anyone.

Catherine Reitman
Catherine Reitman

We only see female protagonists who are likeable, with one cute flaw, such as adorable clumsiness. I'm fed up with it.