Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [over the phone] I will not rest until I have you holding a Coke, wearing your own shoe, playing a Sega game *featuring you*, while singing your own song in a new commercial, *starring you*, broadcast during the Superbowl, in a game that you are winning, and I will not *sleep* until that happens. I'll give you fifteen minutes to call me back.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Dorothy: I just want to be inspired.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [while on a plane] What are you doing with me, Rod?
Rod Tidwell: Why?
Jerry Maguire: I'm finished, I'm fucked. Twenty-four hours ago, man, I was hot! Now... I'm a cautionary tale. You see this jacket I'm wearing, you like it? Because I don't really need it. Because I'm cloaked in failure! I lost the number one draft

picked the night before the draft! Why? Let's recap: because a hockey player's kid made me feel like a superficial jerk. I ate two slices of bad pizza, went to bed and grew a conscience!
Rod Tidwell: Well, boo-fucking-hoo.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Laurel: [after Marrying her sister without considering it thoroughly] You fuck this up, I'll kill you!
Jerry Maguire: I'm glad we had this talk.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Dorothy: On the surface, everything seems fine. I've got this great guy. And he loves my kid. And he sure does like me a lot. And I can't live like that. It's not the way I'm built.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [after having been fired] But if anybody else wants to come with me, this moment will be the ground floor of something real and fun and inspiring and true in this godforsaken business and we will do it together! Who's coming with me besides... "Flipper" here?

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Sign in Locker Room: A positive anything is better than a negative nothing.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [over the phone] I don't like black people? I am Mister black people.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Dicky Fox: The key to this business is personal relationships.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Rod Tidwell: You are hanging on by a very thin thread and I dig that about you!

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jesus of CopyMat: [to Jerry] That's how you become great, man. Hang your balls out there!

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: Have you ever gotten the feeling that you aren't completely embarassed yet, but you glimpse tomorrow's embarrassment?

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Avery Bishop: There is no real loyalty, and the first person who taught me that was you.
Jerry Maguire: I figure I was trying to sleep with you at the time.
Avery Bishop: Well, it worked.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [to Avery] Jump in my nightmare, the water's warm!

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [to Dorothy] I won't let you get rid of me.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Dorothy: I was inspired, and I'm an accountant.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Rod Tidwell: [over the phone] I am a valuable commodity! I go across the middle! I see a dude coming at me, trying to kill me, I tell myself "Get killed. Catch the ball!' BOO YA! Touchdown! I make miracles happen!
Jerry Maguire: Rod...
Rod Tidwell: I'm from Arizona, Jerry! I broke Arizona records! I went to Arizona State! I'm a Sun

Devil, man!
Jerry Maguire: And now you want Arizona dollars?
Rod Tidwell: Exaaaacctly!

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [Jerry Maguire is lying in bed one morning when suddenly the radio comes on and wakes him up with a jolt after having slept with Dorothy the night before]
[flash to Dickey Fox in his office]
Dicky Fox: I love the mornings! I clap my hands every morning and say, 'This is gonna be a great day!'
[flash back to Jerry Maguire who

accidentally steps on a toy]
Jerry Maguire: [mutters] I don't believe this. How'd I get myself into this?

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Jerry Maguire: [to Dorothy before their date] That's more than a dress. That's an Audrey Hepburn movie.

Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire

Laurel: [to Dorothy] Don't cry at the beginning of a date. Cry at the end, like I do.