Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

It was hard to figure out what were the good causes, the bad causes, even the good politics and the bad politics. So we started taking requests and figuring it out.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I'm not going to say no to playing a show in Missoula.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

That's probably half the reason I wanted to be in a band - I wanted to see the world.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

It's great that people are basically spending their two weeks of vacation to come out and be with us in some weird part of the world. And I think we owe it to them to take 'em to some cool places.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I certainly didn't want to be in a punk rock band, because I had already been in a punk rock band. I wanted to be in a band that could do anything - like Led Zeppelin.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I don't have a great voice or even a good voice.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I led the state in defensive interceptions my senior year, with seven in nine games. Then I went to Montana to play basketball and found out quickly that my college career wasn't going to work out how I'd envisioned it.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

Where I grew up, I could be a punk rocker and a jock. But in college, it became apparent that those two worlds didn't mix. When I brought my guitar back to school after Thanksgiving break, a friend handed me his bass and said, 'Listen to the Ramones.'

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I've seen kids turn their lives around. It's usually a kid who's outside of the team-sport world, or maybe has a darker personality or doesn't fit in. Skateboarding ends up being something they latch onto. It sounds hokey, but finding a focus on something - whether it's skateboard or playing your guitar - can be life changing.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I had a portable 8-track player under all my ramps, cranking one of my four 8-tracks - Cars/'Candy-O,' Ramones/'Road To Ruin,' Cheap Trick/'Heaven Tonight' and the first Devo record. I don't remember skating without music.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

All you have to do is drive by the empty tennis courts and basketball courts and compare them to the skate parks... c'mon people, get with the program - the future is now!

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I've been interested in Eastern religions since I went to college because I was trying to figure out where I stood with Catholicism.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I just have a serious problem with business for business' sake: this bottom-dollar mentality. I have a serious problem with evil.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I'm healthy enough to still skate, so I gotta go because growing up I didn't have - I mean, I grew up in Montana so... there was kind of a little half-pipe in my yard, and that was the extent of the skate terrain in Montana. So I've got to go out and make up for lost time.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I'm a big fan of power trios where there's only three instruments.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

There really is a certain magic that happens when you're in the studio. And it's important in life to feel that magic: to feel that there is something greater moving all this along.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I get lost in my right brain, especially in creative things.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

I feel like in a lot of ways I can relate to the fans, just being a fan of music myself.

Jeff Ament
Jeff Ament

Ever since I picked up a bass, I've written songs.