Jack Lew
Jack Lew

There is a very serious fiscal-policy question of, 'Are we running our overall fiscal policy such that we as a government can pay our bills?'

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

If you don't define the problem you'll never reach a painful solution.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

It's going to be true that anything that reduces the federal deficit will have somebody unhappy.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

I think the thing that the American people want is for the divisive debate on health care to stop.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

Most Americans want health insurance.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

If you have a student who graduates from college and they don't have a job, they are now able to stay on their family health plan.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

Taxpayers can go online and find out more about the way their government works than ever before.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

Europe is trying to get its fiscal house in order.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

Businesses make decisions based on what they are seeing in their order books.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

Historically, the responsibility for voting on the debt limit has gone to the party in the majority.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

I think it's very important not to confuse the importance of dealing with Social Security in the long term with these short-term deficit reduction challenges. They're different issues.

Jack Lew
Jack Lew

There are lots of ways to work together.