Inside Out
Inside Out

Joy: [Looking over the Memory Dump she's about to fall toward] This is a really bad idea! No, Joy. Think positive...
Joy: I'm positive this is crazy!
[Falls toward a trampoline down below]

Inside Out
Inside Out

[as Riley lies in her sleeping bag, a truck loudly drive by outside. The headlights can be seen shining through the room. Riley hides under the sleeping bag in fear]
Fear: What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!
Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco!
Anger: I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.

Fear: Oh, I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shot!
Disgust: Ew, I don't want to hear about your nerves!
Anger: I'll tell you what it is. This move has been a bust.
Fear: That's what I've been telling you guys! There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now!
Disgust: The smell

alone is enough to make her gag.
Anger: I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here!
Joy: Look, I get it. You guys have concerns. But we've been through worse! Tell you what: let's make a list of all the things Riley should be HAPPY about!
Anger: Fine. Let's see... this house stinks, our room stinks...

Disgust: Pizza is weird here...
Sadness: Our friends are back home...
Fear: And all of our stuff is in the missing van!
Joy: Oh c'mon, it could be worse...
Disgust: Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on the dirty floor. In a bag.
Joy: Okay, I admit it, we had a rough

start. But think of all the good things that...
Anger: No, Joy. There's absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now. Let us handle this.
Fear: I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.
Disgust: We have no clean clothes. I mean, no one should see us.
Sadness: Yeah, we

could cry until we can't breathe.
Anger: We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It's a good one!

Inside Out
Inside Out

Joy: Sadness! Sadness? Come on, Sadness, where are you? Okay, if I were Sadness, where would I be?
[as Sadness]
Joy: Oh, everything is awful, and my legs don't work, and you have to drag me around while I touch all the...
[she spots a row of memory orbs that Sadness has touched and follows it]

Inside Out
Inside Out

Mom: The drive out was pretty fun. What was your favourite bit?
Anger: Spitting out the car window!
Disgust: Definitely not when Dad was singing.
Fear: Wearing a seat belt!

Inside Out
Inside Out

Subconscious Guard Frank: My hat feels loose.
Subconscious Guard Dave: L, let me see.
Subconscious Guard Frank: You got my hat? or, or is that your hat?
Subconscious Guard Dave: Yeah, It's my hat.
Subconscious Guard Frank: You sure? I don't know, look in the label.

Subconscious Guard Dave: Yeah it says "My hat".
Subconscious Guard Frank: Wait, it, it says "My hat"?
Subconscious Guard Dave: "My hat" it says.
Subconscious Guard Frank: That's what I wrote in my hat.
Subconscious Guard Dave: What are you talking about?

Guard Frank: You've got my hat on.
Subconscious Guard Dave: Okay, but it's my handwriting.
Subconscious Guard Dave: [a few minutes go by inside the room where they keep Riley's darkest fears] Okay, but, it's my handwriting.
Subconscious Guard Frank: No it isn't. That's my handwrit... I wrote that!

Subconscious Guard Dave: No, but this one's my handwriting.

Inside Out
Inside Out

Disgust: [Seeing Riley about to eat a grape she dropped] Whoa, no way! We are not eating that.
Joy: Disgust, it's fine. It passed the five-second rule.
Disgust: The grape touched the ground. It's poison.
Joy: Oh, come on. It barely touched the ground.
Disgust: Wait, what? You know what

else 'barely' touches the ground? Stray dogs!
Joy: [wrestling the control lever back and forth with Disgust, causing Riley to stop and start putting the grape in her mouth] Hold on!
Disgust: Toenail clippings! Roadkill! Hippies!
Joy: No!
Disgust: Dung beetles!
Joy: Stop it!

Fear: Uh, shouldn't we do something?
Anger: Haha, no.
Joy: It's a *grape*! It's not like we're eating broccoli.
Disgust: Ugh, don't even go there.
Joy: Or boogers.
Disgust: You're evil!
[she gags and runs off]
Joy: Or dog food.

Disgust: [distantly] Shut your mouth!
[Joy pulls the lever causing Riley to pop the grape in her mouth]

Inside Out
Inside Out

Cool Girl's Emotions: Being cool is exhausting.

Inside Out
Inside Out

Bing Bong: We're taking the Train of Thought.
Joy: The Train! Of course. That is so much faster, but how do we catch it?
Bing Bong: Well, it kind of goes all over the place.

Inside Out
Inside Out

Jangles: Who's the birthday girl?
[Fear screams like a little girl and faints]

Inside Out
Inside Out

Bing Bong: I blow a mean nose.

Inside Out
Inside Out

[Sadness goes over to Bing Bong, who is sitting at the edge of the Memory Dump dejectedly]
Sadness: I'm sorry they took your rocket. They took something you loved.
Bing Bong: It's gone. Forever.
Joy: Sadness! Don't make him feel worse!
Sadness: [to Joy] Sorry.
Bing Bong: It's all

I had left of Riley.
Sadness: I bet you and Riley had great adventures.
Bing Bong: [choking up] Oh, they were wonderful. Once we flew back in time. We had breakfast twice that day.
Joy: [annoyed] Sadness!
Sadness: It sounds amazing. I bet Riley liked it.
Bing Bong: She did. We

were best friends.
Sadness: Yeah. It's sad.
[Bing Bong hugs Sadness tightly and sobs]
Bing Bong: I'm okay now. Come on. The train station is this way.

Inside Out
Inside Out

[Very last Lines]
[the dog sees the man having a nibble of the pepperoni pizza from Yeast of Eden. We zoom into the Dog's HQ]
Translated Subtitle: [Dog's Joy] I smell food.
Translated Subtitle: [Dog's Disgust] The man has food.
Translated Subtitle: [Dog's Fear] Get the food.
[the Dog's Emotions, including his Sadness and Anger, all press the buttons to cause

there dog to start chasing any toward the Pizza Man]