
Betty Ross: [Deleted scene] The nanomeds, which are essentially little molecular machines remain inert in the body until we activate them with a burst of gamma radiation. Then, they instantly go to work repairing tissues by breaking down damaged cells and by forcing healthy cells to replicate. The problem we've been having involves managing the energy flux created by such rapid

cellular activity and the buildup of waste products from the dismantled cells, which have so far let to catastrophic results. In our next round of experiments, we'll be damaging the cells with drastically higher doses of gamma radiation, resulting in more uniform trauma. We hope in this way to better contain their destructive potential. If we do, if we succeed, we may someday realize our goal of

near instantaneous bodily repair.
Scientist: But to date, the nanomeds have failed. What are you looking at in terms of...
Bruce Banner: But not by much.
Scientist: I'm sorry?
Bruce Banner: Death is a kind of forgetting. You see, each time a human cell replicates, it loses a little more DNA from the end of its chromosomes. Now,

eventually what happens is, it forgets so much that it forgets its function, its ability to cope with trauma, to continue to reproduce. Okay? Whereas life; life has the ability to both retrieve and to act on memory. What makes the nanomeds so extraordinary and continuing our funding worthy, of course is the fact they are life... unbound. It's beautiful, but it's untenable. Part of life is death,

is forgetting and unchecked, it's mutatious, it's monstrous. See, the nanomeds remember their instructions too well. Basically, to stay in balance and alive, we must forget as much as we remember.


Father: [writing in his notes] What has been passed on?


Bruce Banner: Listen to your father and take your medicines, okay?


[as the Hulk rages around San Francisco]
Betty Ross: Dad, let me talk to him!
Ross: I know he's come there to find you! I'm not gonna let him get you!
Betty Ross: Just let me try, okay, Dad? He just needs a chance to calm down!


Father: Dogs! Go! Go get her! And let nothing stand in your way! Go!


Talbot: Bingo! That must be some jumbo nightmare he just had.


Talbot: [Last words] So long, big boy.


Ross: Okay, you've got him now. Take him on a ride to the top of the world. Let's see what the thin air will do for him.


Ross: You are cleared to fire on target, Legend.


Young David Banner: Sweet dreams.


Comanche Pilot: Tango One, Tango Three. I have contact.


Bruce Banner: [From teaser trailer, voice only] Even now, I can feel it. Buried somewhere deep inside. Watching me. Waiting. But you know what scares me the most? When I can't fight it anymore, when it takes over, when I totally lose control. I like it.


Bruce Banner: [From commercial] I don't know who I am. I don't know what I'm becoming. But I know one thing for sure, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.


Talbot: You know, consciously, you may control it, but subconsciously, I bet that's another story.


Security Guard: As far as I'm concerned, security ought to be beefed- Good morning, Dr. Krenzler! Security ought to be beefed up a lot more. In a place like this, you can't be too careful.


Edith Banner: David, I have wonderful news. I'm gonna have a baby.


Young David Banner: What's it gonna be? Oh, look at that, Bruce. Huh? Want a dinosaur? Come on, let's have a little fight. Come on. Rrrr, you don't scare me. That's a delicious eyeball. Oh, you're big and green and scary. I'm gonna run away.


Harper: Bruce! Big day. Did you sleep? I didn't sleep.
Bruce Banner: Slept okay. Is Betty here?
Harper: She's around. I really got to say, seeing you in that styling headwear.
Bruce Banner: You're implying something about my helmet?
Harper: You look like a massive nerd, even around

other scientists. Can just I ask? Were you wearing the helmet while she dumped you?
Bruce Banner: See? It protects my very important brain, Harper. Go prep the samples.


Betty Ross: Hey, I found you.
Bruce Banner: Betty, hey.
Betty Ross: I hate them.
Bruce Banner: Wait, I just got here. Who do we hate?
Betty Ross: The review board. We have to make a presentation on Tuesday.
Bruce Banner: Ah.
Betty Ross:

And you're gonna make it with me.
Bruce Banner: You think I should?
Betty Ross: Yeah, you're great with that stuff. Start talking about microbes and nanomeds. You sound almost... passionate. Sorry, that was rude.
Bruce Banner: Nobody expects us to be easy. Just working together after being... so close.

Ross: We were close?
Bruce Banner: Look, if I could be more... whatever, you know, like... just...
Betty Ross: Don't. It's not your fault, really. It's just a byproduct of my inexplicable obsession with emotionally distant men. It'll get over us.
Bruce Banner: Good for you.
Betty Ross: Anyway,

I'm just really stressed about this review. If we don't get impressive results today, we're gonna have a really hard sell come this Tuesday.
Bruce Banner: Well, then, let's go be impressive.


Father: Your name is not Krenzler. It's Banner.
Bruce Banner: What?
Father: Your name. It's Banner. Bruce Banner. Bruce.
Bruce Banner: How did you get in here?
Father: I work here now. In the labs. The late shift. It keeps me close to you. You always work so late yourself with your

friend Miss Ross. No, no, no. Please. Please. Let me. You're not well. You've had a terrible accident. You're wondering why you're still alive. You're thinking there's something inside. Something different... inexplicable. I can help you understand, if you'll let me. If you'll... forgive me.
Bruce Banner: Look, mister, I'm sure I have nothing to forgive you for. So, perhaps

you should leave now. I'll be fine.
Father: You must know. You may not want to believe it, but I can see it... in your eyes. So much like your mother's. Of course, you're my flesh and blood. But then, you're something else too, aren't you? My physical son, but the child of my mind, too.
Bruce Banner: No. You're lying. My parents died when I was a

small boy.
Father: No, no, no, no. That's not true, that's not true. That's what they wanted you to believe. The experiments, the accident - all top secret. They put me away for thirty years. Thirty years. Away from you. Away from our work. But they couldn't keep me forever. After all, I'm sane. They had to admit it. You see, everything... your extraordinary mind has been

seeking all these years... it's been inside you. Now, we will understand it. We will harness it.