Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

The minute you decide to do what you love to do, you have made a life plan for yourself and a career choice.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

The eyes are so telling. That's how you engage with people and bond with them. I love direct, strong eye contact.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

The power of cosmetics and the effect they can have on one's happiness and confidence is very real.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

To scale your business, you need to delegate responsibilities to others and establish a strong company culture.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

Makeup and beauty is essentially art so I really can't say that I dislike any trend. I love seeing innovation and creativity. It feeds my soul!

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I always felt different and it was because I was Middle Eastern. Where most people were very fair, light-skinned, and had blue eyes, I was hairy with dark hair and dark skin.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I'm hairy.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I have had my fair share of nights out.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

Over the years, I've really put in the time to achieve flawless skin.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

A lot of beauty brands, they'll really infiltrate the States. But going out of the States, they struggle.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I love seeing people being more daring with their makeup.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

Although we represent this almost drag-like beauty at Huda Beauty, I'm not only this person who is made up and always likes to wear their hair flawless and their makeup flawless.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

That was honestly one of the biggest learnings for us: to stay true to the value we believe our company offers, and to not allow people to undercut us just because we're women.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

My makeup will stay on from morning until late and people are always like, 'How? What do you do?' It comes down to - and I know this is going to sound so bad - but really layering lots of makeup properly. That's the key if you're partying, working, or a mom or whatever - this is foolproof.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

There's something sexy about a lip with a hint of red in it.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I fell in love with Instagram.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I drink bullet coffee, and I make it myself because I hate coffee. I get a shot of raw coffee, mix it with butter from grass-fed cows and coconut milk. It's amazing!

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

Sometimes, you really need to trust your gut.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

This is how I feel about cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. If people want to do it for themselves - it's fine. If people want to do it for the outside world, that's when it's not necessarily a healthy thing.

Huda Kattan
Huda Kattan

I feel the same way about makeup that I do about food - I don't want the big companies to give me my food. I want the niche mom and pops who care about their food making it. I don't want the Kraft cheese, I want the niche cheese.